Foundation Class
Mrs McBride, supported by Miss Jenny
Foundation Class
Mrs McBride, supported by Miss Jenny
Students need fruit and a drink bottle for water every day.
PE is Tuesday.
Students will have more success and feel more comfortable in their PE session if they are wearing the school shirt and shorts with sneakers.
Library is Friday.
Students need to remember to return their previously borrowed book before a new library book can be borrowed.
Wednesday & school.
The first Wednesday Foundation students attend school is March 12th.
We have two more 'rest days' (Feb 26th & March 5th).
Literacy has been all about the sounds of /s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d and the words we can make, break and read. Foundations students have been working hard on the correction direction and formation of these letters that represent these sounds.
A great iPad app we have had fun using is Letter School. This app has both upper- and lower-case letters and numbers and shapes to practise the correct direction and strengthen fine motor skills.
We have been practising our reading using our decodable readers that contain words using only the /s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/ letters and a few pages also have the high frequency words /the/, /and/, and /on/.
In Numeracy we have been learning that when we count, we say one number for one object. We can make collections of 10 and love to play "Chicken Feed" using the MAB ones and grab as much chicken feed as we can then see who has the most groups of 10.
We have also been writing our numbers 1-10 and are feeling very proud of the EXCELLENCE we are showing!
Our focus this term is Me and My Community: My Identity. We have discussed the range of things we like and what is special about each of us, as these are the things that make us who we are. We made some puppets to role play different feelings and emotions.
Our Year 6 Buddies joined us on Monday for a session on making poppies for the Beaufort CWA Field of Poppies Project.
We have been lucky enough to have a visit from Ares' puppy Rouge. Who is the cutest bundle of energy! Thanks to Ares' family for bringing Rouge in to meet us.
On Tuesday, we had just come inside from lunch play when all of a sudden a very loud noise started coming from the big tree in our playground and we had to go and investigate! There were at least five (probably more) kookaburras having a meeting right outside our room! These moments are fantastic for us to create a rich language experience that we can use to expand our vocabulary and oral language skills.