Sharna Dean-Wright & Brooke McInnes,
Sharna Dean-Wright & Brooke McInnes,
Main focuses:
WELLBEING has been a major focus over these last three weeks. In classrooms, teachers and students have been completing a range of activities designed to develop a strong positive classroom culture. These have been based around getting to know each other, setting expectations, developing new routines, exploring our school values of ‘Respect, Resilience & Citizenship’. As always, a priority has been on implementing consistent routines and processes based on the Berry St practices and Real School processes. It has been wonderful to hear the positive feedback from students and teachers.
THRIVE DIARY – just a reminder to purchase your child/ren’s THRIVE diaries. These are a fundamental tool used in the classroom as part of our THRIVE program. They are also used to communicate learning goals, record reading, spelling words and much more.
BREAKFAST CLUB – is back up and running! Pop by for some toast, fruit and milk on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s from 8:30am. Remember to thank our lovely volunteers!
BELLA is an integral member of the wellbeing team. Deb Haddow sent out communications about the Therapy Dog Policy on Monday. Please read it and let Deb know if there are any concerns. We can’t wait to get Bella back to school!
ALLIED HEALTH - Allied health professionals such as Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Speech Pathologists and Key Workers, play a crucial role in supporting children to achieve their potential. At LPPS, we welcome these therapists to conduct NDIS or privately funded sessions with your child onsite. Although we have limited room availability, we do our best to accommodate all requests. Please have the therapist contact our Wellbeing Officer, Luana Lane, directly to arrange sessions via email: Luana.Lane@education.vic.gov.au
PLAY LEADER TRAINING - On Thursday, February 13th, our play leaders participated in an engaging day of training led by Sarah Roney, a network THRIVE leader. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to learn the essential games and skills they will need to excel in their roles as play leaders throughout the year. The training was filled with excitement and valuable insights, ensuring that our play leaders are well-equipped to create fun and inclusive play experiences for everyone!
Breaky Club is back up and running for 2025.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30am to 8.50am near the Gym.
Grab & Go -
Milk Box
NEW - Messy Monkey Monday's!
Helper Applications for Term one are now open for all year 4,5 & 6 students.