School Information

School Office

8:30am - 4pm    |      9842 7744

School Times

School Hours | 8:50am - 3:30pm

Recess | 10:40 - 11:10am

Lunch | 12:50 - 1:50pm


All absences, late arrivals and early departures must be approved on Compass, our parent portal and student management system. Please refer to your Compass Parent Handbook for instructions or visit the office.

Late Arrivals | After 9am bell

Students are expected to be entering their classrooms at 8.50am.  Students arriving after the 9am bell, must report to the Office to be signed in by an Office staff member and collect an ARRIVAL PASS. Parents are required to enter their approval on Compass to ensure they are aware of the late arrival.

Early Departures | Before 3:30pm

Parents are required to present their photo ID a the office to have an Office staff member record the early departure BEFORE taking a DEPARTURE PASS and collecting your child from their classroom. You will also need to enter an approval in Compass.

Parents Visiting the School

If you will be visiting the school buildings for longer than 15 minutes, it is a requirement that you sign in at the main office.  We are required to keep records of all visitors to the school. 


You do not need to sign in for school drop offs and pick-ups, unless you intend to be inside the buildings or at the school for longer than 15 minutes.


Primary School Wear

12 Strathalbyn Street, Kew East

9768 0381

Secondhand Uniform Sales | Staffroom

Our second-hand uniform shop is open during the school term. 


Dates are published on Compass.  Most items are just $5 each. A small amount of higher quality items are available for between $10 and $15.  Only card payments are accepted.


Good quality, unwanted Milgate uniforms can be donated at the School Office. Thank you for supporting our school.

Lost Property

Lost property items are located in the tubs outside the staff room.  We kindly request that parents label all uniforms, lunchboxes, drink bottles, etc.


Iron On Labels and Vinyl Stick On labels can be purchased from various websites.  Here are some to try:


Hippo Blue          Bright Star Kids          Oz Labels


Valuable lost property items may be located at the school Office.

Before and After School Care Contact Details

TeamKids bookings can be made by clicking on the bookings button below:


Contact Number: 1300 035 000 

