Term Dates/Important Dates

2025 Term Dates
Term Dates 2025
Term 1- 28th January - Staff return
(students return) 29th Jan - 4th April
Term 2- 22nd April - 4th July
Term 3- 21st July - 19th September
Term 4- 6th October- 19th December
Term 1
Friday 7th
-Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival forms and money due
Wednesday 12th
-Preps Rest Day
-Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival (9.30am -2.30pm)
Wednesday 19th
-Prep Rest Day
-Student Led Conference 10am -6pm (No school, students only attend allotted time slots)
Wednesday 26th
-Preps Rest Day
Wednesday 5th
-Whole school assembly 2.30pm Centre, everyone is most welcome to attend
Monday 10th
-Public Holiday- No school
Tuesday 11th
-Regional Swimming (Selected students only)
Wednesday 19th
-Whole school assembly 2.30pm Centre, everyone is most welcome to attend