

At SFS, our PBL (Positive Behaviours for Learning) school wide expectations are:


Responsibility and 



This week we continued to explicitly teach our learning routines to the children. We particularly looked at expected behaviours for when we attend mass and when we attend assembly. Please remember to sign your child’s PBL card if they bring one home for demonstrating expected behaviours and speak to your child about why they received this acknowledgement. 



We continued to celebrate SWELL week this week on Monday and Tuesday with a focus on having fun and getting to know each other. The teachers talked to the children about our routines for attending mass and assemblies. The children continued to work on making their class prayer cloth, creating art work for a whole school display and lots of other fun multi age games and activities with the junior and senior students working together.


Whole school Incursion KABOOM Kids and Welcome Picnic

On Tuesday 4th February, we had a whole school incursion with Kaboom Kids. The children participated in tabloid sports fun games and activities in mixed groups from Foundation to Year 6. Some of the fun activities the children participated included Dart board, fruit frisbees, ping pong world, Air time, mini golf and parachute. 


Some of our Year 6 students were chosen to be leaders of each group. They wore bright green Kaboom Kids t shirts and did a fantastic job leading all the children in the group around particularly helping our Junior students and Preps on their second day at school.

We had a special assembly in the school hall at 2.20 pm where the children learnt about what Wellbeing means, why it is important and reflected on a great week. Thanks to the parents who joined us.


We will also be having our Twilight Welcome picnic at school tonight Friday 7th February. This will run from 5.30 pm until 7.30 pm on the grassed area outside the learning spaces

Kaboom kids will again join us at SFS and run the tabloid sport games for families to join in some fun between 5.30 and 6.30 pm. It is always a great event each year and wonderful to see children and their families having fun at school. 


SEASONS for Growth

Seasons for Growth Learning to live with change and loss

Everyone is affected by change and loss at some time in our lives. 


At SFS. we recognise that when changes occur such as separation, divorce, death, school transitions and natural disasters children may benefit from learning the skills to manage these changes effectively. We are therefore offering an education program called Seasons for Growth which will commence in Term 1 and run throughout the year. This program is facilitated in small groups of up to 7 participants and is based on research which highlights the importance of social support and the need the practise new skills to cope effectively with change and loss. 


The program focuses on building skills such as how to manage feelings, problem-solving, decision-making, effective communication and develops peer support networks. Participation in the program can promote improved self-esteem and self-confidence as well as giving children the opportunity to find their own voice amid change. If you think your child/ children would enjoy joining the Seasons for Growth program, we encourage you to talk to him/her about it. We are pleased to be able to offer this successful program and we are confident that it will be a valuable learning experience for those involved. If you require further information please contact Rachel Lenko or speak to your child’s Homegroup teacher about your child participating in the program


Action for Happiness February Calendar

Life is happier when we're connected to others. And when the world feels divided, we can all help by spreading more friendship and togetherness.

The Action for Happiness Friendly February calendar is full of great ways to boost your relationships. Please share it with your friends and loved ones too.

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 11th February) is a global day of action bringing communities, schools, organisations and families from more than 180 countries together to raise awareness of online safety issues and work towards a safer internet.

The eSafety Commissioner leads the day in Australia and we’re calling on all Australians to help make the internet a safer, and more positive place.


Why is Safer Internet Day important?

Whether you’re working, learning, playing or scrolling – the internet is a huge part of life. It opens a world of opportunities, but also comes with risks, especially for young people and other at-risk groups.

Let's look at the numbers that remind us why online safety is so important.

70% of Australian adults have had at least one negative experience online.

29% of First Nations children have experienced online hate speech.

45% of kids aged 8-17 have been treated in a hurtful or nasty way online.

32% of gamers aged 8-17 have been bullied while playing games online.

Join us in making the internet a safer, more positive place – one conversation, one click and one day at a time.

Positive Quote for the Day
Positive Quote for the Day

If you have any concerns about the mental health or wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available to speak to at school, via the phone or email on rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


Rachel Lenko                                                          

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader

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