Education in Faith

Sacramental Events and Dates - 2025
Dear Parents/Guardians/Caregivers,
Please take note of the important dates for our Sacramental celebrations that will take place in 2025. Sacraments play a significant role in the spiritual journey of our students and we need to ensure that you are well-informed and can actively participate in these meaningful events. Kindly mark the following dates in your calendar:
Parents please ACCEPT or DECLINE an invitation on Operoo.
Dates for Sacraments are:
- Grade 2 will receive First Reconciliation in Term 4 on Thursday, 20th November 2025.
- Grade 3 will receive First Eucharist in Term 2 on Saturday, 21st June 2025.
- Grade 6 will receive Confirmation – Term 3 on Saturday, 6th September 2025.
Reconciliation: baptised Catholics in Year 2.
Eucharist: baptised Catholics in Year 3 or who have celebrated their Reconciliation.
Confirmation: Year 6 Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist.
If you have any further questions regarding your child receiving these Sacraments, please feel free to contact me at the school.
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Gospel passage for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C presents the story of Jesus calling Simon Peter, James, and John to be His disciples. The scene takes place on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus teaches a crowd from Simon’s boat. After speaking, He directs Simon to put out into deeper water and let down the nets for a catch. Although they had caught nothing all night, Simon obeys Jesus’ command. Miraculously, the nets are filled with so many fish that they begin to break.
This extraordinary catch astonishes the fishermen, and Simon, overwhelmed by the divine power of Jesus, falls at His knees, confessing his sinfulness. Jesus then calls Simon to follow Him, promising to make him a “fisher of men.” Peter, James, and John leave everything behind to follow Jesus, embarking on a new journey of faith and discipleship.
This passage is rich with meaning, as it speaks to the power of obedience, the call to follow Jesus, and the transformation that discipleship brings.
Obedience to God’s Word: Simon’s response to Jesus’ command shows the importance of obedience, even when the command doesn’t seem to make sense. After a long and unsuccessful night of fishing, Simon is asked to cast his nets once again. Despite his doubts, he obeys Jesus and experiences the miraculous catch. This is a lesson for us: we may not always understand God’s plan, but trusting and obeying His word can lead to unexpected blessings and transformations in our lives.
Recognising God’s Presence: When Simon witnesses the miracle, he immediately recognises that this is no ordinary man but someone with divine power. His response - falling to his knees in humility - reveals how encountering God’s power brings about a deeper awareness of our own sinfulness and need for grace. In the face of divine holiness, we are invited to humbly acknowledge our shortcomings and ask for God’s mercy.
The Call to Discipleship: Jesus’ invitation to “follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” is a call to a new way of life. Jesus is not just inviting the fishermen to a job change; He is calling them to a complete transformation of their identity and purpose. Their lives will no longer be focused solely on catching fish, but on bringing people into the kingdom of God. The response of the fishermen - leaving everything behind to follow Jesus - challenges us to consider what we are willing to leave behind in order to fully commit to a life of discipleship.
- The Mission of Evangelisation: Jesus’ call to be "fishers of men" reminds us of the mission of evangelization. Just as fishermen cast their nets into the sea to bring in a catch, we, as disciples of Christ, are called to cast the "nets" of God’s love and truth into the world. It’s an invitation to share the Gospel with others, bringing them to the knowledge of God’s love and mercy.
Discussion Questions:
- Obedience to God: In the Gospel, Simon Peter obeys Jesus’ command even though he has already tried and failed. Have you ever experienced a time when you obeyed God’s call, even when it didn’t seem to make sense at the time? What was the result?
- Recognising God’s Power: How does Simon Peter’s recognition of Jesus' power challenge your own understanding of who Jesus is? How do you personally encounter and respond to the presence of God in your life?
- Discipleship and Sacrifice: Jesus calls Simon, James, and John to leave everything behind and follow Him. What might God be calling you to leave behind in order to follow Him more closely? How can you prioritize your relationship with Jesus in the midst of daily responsibilities?
- Evangelisation: Jesus asks His followers to become “fishers of men.” What does it mean to you to be a “fisher of men” today? How can you actively participate in spreading the Gospel in your community, family, and workplace?
- Trust in God’s Plan: Like Simon, we sometimes doubt God’s instructions, but He still calls us to trust in His plan. How do you build trust in God’s timing and wisdom in your own life?
This passage invites us to examine our lives in light of God’s call and challenges us to respond with faith, obedience, and a willingness to share His love with the world. As we reflect on the call of the first disciples, may we also hear the call to follow Jesus and become fishers of men in our own lives.
God Bless
Rozeta Ambrose
Religious Education Leader