From the Principal

You are Invited to...

St Francis de Sales School Picnic on Friday 7th February 2025

5.30 to 7.30pm on the grassed area outside the learning spaces

Let's celebrate the start of the year and our school's feast day.

Join us for FUN with KABOOM Kids


We will begin with some fun activities provided by Kaboom kids sports for children and their families to participate in together, followed by dinner. Children are asked to wear their runners.


 We invite all parents to come along with the children and your family and bring your picnic blanket, chairs and your dinner and drinks. 


Our Preps Commence School

On Monday 3rd February, looking magnificent in their St Francis de Sales uniform our Preps of 2025 started school. On the whole there were BIG smiles as they entered the Learning Spaces with their parents and family members. There were lots of photos taken and very quickly they settled into some fun activities. They confidently waved goodbye to their parents and were ready to get started with life at school.

Parents were a little surprised but very proud of their little one. With one more hug, they left for a cuppa in the hall, others made a quick dash off to work or to celebrate this great milestone.


SWELL Week with Kaboom Kids!!


SWELL week has been a lot of FUN getting to know one another and our teachers and settling into our new groups as we learn about our school expectations and ways we will learn and play together to ensure we have an exciting and successful year at school. What better way to get to do this then to have a FUN incursion with Kaboom Kids!! On Tuesday morning we all gathered on the oval and hall for some FUN activities. In a short time we were all trying our a variety of challenges, working in teams and on our own to see what we can achieve. It was sensational to see the big smiles and the positive spirit on display as children cooperated to participate and do their best.

We are so proud of the great start to the year that our children have made. The leaders from Kaboom Kids commented multiple times at the great listening and cooperative spirit on display. They said they knew they were going to have a great day at our school from the way our children engaged in the day from the very start. They also said this does not happen in every school. We are immensely proud of the way our children display our expected behaviours of Respect, Responsibility and Kindness. What a great start to 2025!!

Commencement Mass

We gathered for our 2025 Commencement Mass in the hall on Thursday 6th February. The Mass commenced with a procession of the prayer cloths that each Home Group had made during SWELL Week. The prayer cloths were magnificent and they reflect the theme of 2025 to be Pilgrims of Hope. The theme asks us to arise and shine and bring hope and light in the world. It is a great theme and one we certainly want to embrace at St Francis de Sales.

During the Mass Fr Fabian blessed our 2025 school candle and Learning Space candles. As we light our candles during times we gather to pray in our home groups, Learning Spaces and as a school we will remember to be the light bringing love, peace and hope to others by our words and actions at school, in our homes and community.

Parent Information Night

It has been a BIG second week and for our Preps a BIG first week at school. It was great to see parents who took the opportunity to engage in partnership with us and attend our Parent Information Evening. There are changes we are making as we continue to improve our pedagogy and practice and we were able to inform parents about some of the strategies that will be implemented this year.

It was also lovely to celebrate with our 2025 Prep Parents and get to know them a little more with a chat at our now annual Wine and Cheese Prep Family welcome to our school.




It has been a great week. Let us finish the week with a celebration. Join us for our Family picnic on Friday 7th February. It will be perfect weather to enjoy a picnic, catch up and for children and families to have some FUN together with Kaboom Kids. Kaboom Kids starts at 5:30pm and we look forward to seeing you there beside the playgrounds and on the basketball courts. Wear your runners and get involved. Let's get 2025 off to a roaring great start!!



Christine White
