Important Dates

Term Dates for 2025:
Term 1: 29.01.2025 to 04.04.2025
Term 2: 22.04.2025 to 04.07.2025
Term 3: 21.07.2025 to 19.09.2025
Term 4: 06.10.2025 to 19.12.2025
Playground supervision before school is from 8:30 am - 8:45 am
Playground supervision after school is from 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Parents are advised to use Kharisma Kids Before & After School Care if required for supervision outside school hours.
All dates are subject to change.
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Sat 8th | 9 am - 11 am Mowing Roster - Team 3 |
Mon 10th | Year 5 / 6 Portsea Camp |
Tue 11th | Year 5 / 6 Portsea Camp |
Wed 12th | Year 5 / 6 Portsea Camp
No school for Preps today |
Fri 14th | Zooper Dooper / Icy Poles - $1 at first lunch
2.30 pm - Junior Assembly |
Tue 18th | 6.45 pm - P & F Meeting 7.30 pm - School Advisory Council Meeting |
Wed 19th | No school for Preps today
Jubilee Celebration at St Kevin's (Year 1 - 6) - please remember to give permission for your child to attend via Operoo |
Fri 21st | Zooper Dooper / Icy Poles - $1 at first lunch |
Sun 23rd | 9 am - 11 am Mowing Roster - Team 6 |
Wed 26th | No school for Preps today
Fri 28th | Zooper Dooper / Icy Poles - $1 at first lunch
2.30 pm - Senior Assembly |
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Mon 3rd | Preps start full time |
Tue 4th | Shrove Tuesday - Burning of the Palm Liturgy at 10.30 am |
Wed 5th | Ash Wednesday |
Thu 6th | 5.30 - 8.00 pm - Twilight Sports Night (all families) |
Fri 7th | School Closure Day - Staff Review |
Mon 10th | Public Holiday - Labour Day - School Closure Day |
Wed 12th | Naplan commences |
Fri 14th | Zooper Dooper / Icy Poles - $1 at first lunch
LS1 - Stations of the Cross - Hall
2.30 pm - Junior Assembly |
Tue 18th | 6.45 pm - P & F Meeting
7.30 pm - School Advisory Council Meeting |
Fri 21st | Zooper Dooper / Icy Poles - $1 at first lunch
LS2 - Stations of the Cross - Hall
St Patrick's Day Mass at Cathedral (for selected students) |
Tue 25th | 6.30 pm - Registration and information Evening for Eucharist at St Kevin's, Hampton Park (please note this change of date ) |
Wed 26th | 6.30 pm - Registration and information Evening for Confirmation at St Kevin's, Hampton Park (please note this change of date) |
Thu 27th | 6.30 pm - Registration and Committment Mass for Eucharist and Confirmation at St Kevin's, Hampton Park (please note this change of date) |
Fri 28th | Zooper Dooper / Icy Poles - $1 at first lunch
LS3 - Stations of the Cross - Hall
2.30 pm - Senior Assembly |
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Thu 3rd | 1.00 pm - Students finish - early dismissal
1.30 pm - Parent Teacher Interviews commence |
Fri 4th | Cross Country and Colour Explosion
1.00 pm - Students finish for end of Term 1 |
Sacramental Dates for 2025:
- Grade 2 will receive First Reconciliation in Term 4 on Thursday, 20th November 2025.
- Grade 3 will receive First Eucharist in Term 2 on Saturday, 21st June 2025.
- Grade 6 will receive Confirmation – Term 3 on Saturday, 6th September 2025.