Dental Van

Are you eligible for free dental care?
Please refer to the attached information sheet and register today.
Smile Patrol School Dental will be visiting Nossal High School on Monday 23 June 2025.
Students who qualify under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) can access a range of dental treatments, such as tooth cleaning, x-rays, fissure sealants, and fluoride application, all tailored to their individual needs.
Smile Patrol School Dental will provide a dental care plan detailing the treatment your child received, along with any additional recommendations. This plan will help keep you informed and guide you on any further steps needed.
Once you’ve registered online, Smile Patrol will notify Nossal High School of students who have completed the online consent form. Please scan the QR Code and complete the form by Friday 11 April. We will then arrange Compass permissions for your meeting with the dentist.
Given the rising cost of dental services, this is a fantastic free service for families.