Upcoming Events

Unveiling Primary School's Upcoming Excitement

Digital Learning Applications

A SIS Semarang classroom equipped with iPads and charging cart
A SIS Semarang classroom equipped with iPads and charging cart

We will unpack a delivery of iPads for SIS Surabaya over the semester break. We have also scheduled an internet bandwidth upgrade to be completed in January 2024 to ensure that we are ready to start our introducing Kindergarten and Primary students to the SIS digital learning programs in the new year.

3P Learning Subscription

In connection with our commitment to deliver personalised learning, we will use the following digital learning applications to develop literacy skills in the second semester of 2023/2024.


It is pleasing to note that the majority of primary school parents have paid the subscription fee for Reading Eggs (Primary 1 & 2) or Reading Eggspress (Primary 3 to 6).


These applications from 3P (Practise - Play - Progress) Learning reinforce the core literacy skills your child needs for success at school. 


This subscription will enable your child to access the appropriate literacy platform at school and at home. The subscription fee costs: Rp. 125,000 for the second semester of 2023/2024.


When the second semester starts, we will distribute personal logins to all the students whose parents have subscribed to access the application.


If you have not already subscribed, please complete the subscription form using the following link: 

The payment should be made on or before 15 December 2023 with the school cashier or by transfer to: Yayasan Pendidikan Satya Vidya Indonesia BCA account No. 8290499799 

Embracing New Beginnings: A Fresh Start to a Promising Semester!

8 January 2023

This is a fresh start—a chance to set new goals, learn exciting things, and make the most of your academic journey. As we step into this new semester, let's approach our studies with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a positive mindset.


Our teachers and staff are here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can make this semester a successful and rewarding experience.


Let's make the most of the time we have together and create a positive and inspiring learning environment. Welcome back, and let's make the upcoming terms filled with growth, achievement, and memorable experiences. Here's to a fantastic semester ahead!

Fire Drill

25 January 2024

A fire drill is scheduled to take place as part of our commitment to maintaining a safe and secure environment. The purpose of this drill is to practice our emergency response procedures and ensure that everyone is familiar with the necessary actions in the event of a fire.

FlexiLearning Workshop

27 January 2024

Step into the captivating world of radio waves and immerse yourself in a workshop that explores the art, science, and impact of radio broadcasting. From storytelling and communication to the technical intricacies of transmission, this workshop will be a journey through the dynamic spectrum of radio. Students will dive deep into absorbing everything radio has to offer, discovering its historical significance, cultural influence, and the limitless possibilities it presents. Get ready to tune in to the frequencies of knowledge, creativity, and connection in a workshop that celebrates the magic of radio.