Teacher's Corner

Inspiring Insights and Classroom Chronicles from Our Dedicated Educators

Honoring Our Teachers: A Heartfelt Tribute by Students

What a touching celebration led by our student council in honor of our remarkable teachers on Teacher's Day! The student council orchestrated a heartfelt gathering where students extended their appreciation by presenting heartfelt gifts to each teacher. It was a beautiful display of gratitude, recognizing their tireless efforts and commitment.

At the event held on November 27th, 2023, our students came together to express their immense gratitude to our incredible teachers. Each gift represented the students' heartfelt appreciation for the dedication and hard work put forth by our teachers every day.

We extend our deepest thanks to our exceptional teachers for their unwavering commitment to shaping our futures. Additionally, a special acknowledgment to our remarkable student council for organizing this heartwarming celebration, and demonstrating gratitude through action.

Integrating Knowledge Through Product Making: Highlights from Our Strength-Based Workshop


1. Cookie Decoration Extravaganza

In a delectable twist, students dived into the world of culinary creativity with our Cookie Decoration Extravaganza. Armed with piping bags, fondant, and an array of vibrant edible colors, teams transformed simple cookies into edible masterpieces. Beyond the joy of decorating, this activity symbolized the fusion of artistry and precision, showcasing how diverse talents can come together to create something both visually stunning and delicious.

2. Crafting Innovation: Dustbin Making Workshop

Turning waste into wonder, our Dustbin Making Workshop embodied the spirit of sustainability and innovation. Students delved into the intricacies of design thinking, material selection, and hands-on fabrication to create functional yet aesthetically pleasing dustbins. The activity not only showcased the technical skills of our participants but also underscored the importance of environmental consciousness, proving that even everyday items can be reimagined with a touch of creativity.

3. Nature-inspired Twigs Frame Making

Embracing the beauty of the outdoors, our Nature-inspired Twigs Frame Making activity brought participants closer to nature while honing their crafting skills. Twigs, leaves, and other natural elements were transformed into exquisite frames through meticulous arrangement and design. This activity served as a reminder of the endless inspiration nature provides, and how even the simplest materials can be repurposed into works of art with a touch of imagination.

In each of these activities, participants not only embraced the principles of integration but also celebrated the diverse range of talents within our community. From the precision of cookie decorating to the practical innovation of dustbin making and the natural beauty of twig frame crafting, our workshop showcased the boundless possibilities that emerge when different disciplines converge.

Written by: Ms. Diah (Primary School Living and Natural Discoveries Coach)

Exploring Self-Discovery and Trust-Building: Recap of SIS Surabaya's Pillar Workshop

SIS Surabaya recently played host to an immersive and enlightening Pillar Workshop on November 25th. This dynamic event centred around our Living Circle and Mindful Me subjects, aiming to animate these aspects through engaging activities that fostered trust and self-development.

Participants were taken on a journey of self-discovery through a series of invigorating trust-building exercises and expressive artistic ventures. The workshop was a vibrant amalgamation of interactive games and creative activities, all designed to nurture trust while unleashing individual creativity.

This unforgettable experience left a lasting impression, embodying the core principles of our Living Circle and Mindful Me programs. Participants not only explored the depths of self-awareness but also cultivated trust in an engaging and enlightening environment.


Written by: Ms. Nabyllah (Primary School Mathematics Teacher)

P2 Students' Innovative Final Project: Crafting a Recycled Balance Weighing Scale

In their second-term final project, P2 students crafted a "balance weighing scale" using recyclable materials.

This hands-on activity not only enabled the students to gauge the weights of various objects but also helped them discern which items were heavier or lighter. The students thoroughly enjoyed working on this project.

Written by: Ms. Anggi (Primary School Mathematics )