Recent Events

Lots of energy and fun to end the semester!

SIS Surabaya Students Shine Bright at Jawa Pos Property Week 2023

We're thrilled to share the incredible success of our students at the Jawa Pos Property Week 2023, held on November 18, 2023, at Ciputra World. It was an evening filled with exceptional performances that left a lasting impression, showcasing our students' dedication and remarkable talent.

The stage was graced by our students' stunning performances, captivating the audience with their dedication and skill. Their shining moments illuminated the event, drawing admiration and applause from all corners. We're immensely proud of their hard work and the confidence they displayed on this prestigious platform.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to Jawa Pos for extending the invitation and allowing our students this incredible opportunity to showcase their talents. Additionally, we extend our appreciation to the parents whose unwavering support and encouragement added an extra layer of warmth to the event. Your presence made the evening even more special, and your support means the world to our students and the entire SIS Surabaya community.

SB-Flexi Unveils Remarkable Project Presentations: An Impressive Showcase of Student Learning

On 23 November 2023, our school was a vibrant display of academic achievements and creative endeavors as SB-Flexi students from various levels presented their integrated projects and performances. The occasion witnessed an array of presentations spanning from P1-P4 to Sec-1, each exhibiting the students' learning outcomes while adapting to different levels of complexity.

The event proved to be a supportive platform for students, backed by the encouragement of teachers and the presence of parents, fostering a reassuring environment for these budding presenters. Amidst the varying degrees of performance, it was evident that each student had embraced the opportunity to showcase their work, some surpassing their own expectations while others acknowledged areas for further improvement. For many students, this event marked their initial experience in front of a larger audience, offering them a chance to explore and showcase their skills in a public setting.

"Waste to Wow" Fashion Extravaganza - Where Creativity Meets Sustainability!

Primary 4 students stole the spotlight with their upcycled fashion show, a vibrant display of style and environmental consciousness. Embracing the challenge to turn discarded items into fabulous fashion pieces, these budding designers showcased a fantastic array of revamped outfits.

From old clothes to fabric scraps, nothing went to waste as the runway sizzled with colorful creations – dresses reimagined, funky accessories crafted from everyday materials, and stylish jackets from repurposed tees. Each design was a testament to the students' dedication to sustainability, proving that fashion can be both chic and eco-friendly!

This event wasn't just about fashion; it was a lesson in environmental responsibility. By transforming landfill-bound items into haute couture, these students embodied UNSDG Goal 12 on recycling, inspiring everyone to rethink consumption habits. Their innovative spirit and commitment to a greener world left a lasting impact, showing that small actions can create big change!

Embracing Diversity and Moral Growth: Religious Studies at SIS Surabaya

Last week's focus on religious studies provided a robust foundation for character development at SIS Surabaya, enriching our learners with essential virtues while fostering a deeper sense of morality. Through these studies, students were immersed in values like honesty, faithfulness, and respect, offering them a path toward ethical growth and a greater understanding of societal responsibilities.

Our school's curriculum stands as a testament to the unifying force of diversity. It embraces and celebrates different beliefs and cultures, nurturing an environment where understanding and appreciation for varied perspectives flourish. This holistic approach extends beyond mere academics, instilling in our students not only the richness of diverse cultures but also the importance of unity in a multicultural society.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed speakers, who generously shared their insights and enlightening perspectives on different religious beliefs during the event. Their contributions have been instrumental in broadening our students' understanding and appreciation of diverse religious teachings, fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and cohesion within our school community.

  • Buddha: Ida Bagus Kartika Sari, SE,. M.Psi., M.Pd.
  • Islam: Bapak Ahmad Zaenuri, M.Kom.I.
  • Catholic: Fr. Joseto N Bernadas, OP
  • Christian: Pdt. Toninardi Wijono, S.Psi, CBA

SIS Surabaya Joins Global Coding Movement with Hour of Code Event

Hour of Code stands as a global initiative engaging millions of students across 180+ countries, offering a one-hour introduction to coding, emphasizing accessibility and inclusivity for learners without prior experience. Recognizing its significance, SIS School is actively participating in this movement. Scheduled for Tuesday, November 28, 2023, the Hour of Code event at SIS Surabaya is tailored for Primary 1 to Primary 6 students.

In partnership with CodingBee, the official organiser affiliated with and the sole representative in Indonesia, SIS Surabaya is hosting this event. By serving as a facilitator, the school aims to provide an immersive and accessible experience, underscoring the importance of digital literacy and coding skills in today's educational landscape.


Empowering Students: The Success of our Student-Led Conference

Our recent Student Led Conference marked an inspiring milestone in our academic calendar, showcasing the incredible growth and achievements of our students. The event, held with great success, served as a platform for our young learners to confidently present their accomplishments to their parents, shining brightly as they shared their academic successes and personal growth journeys.

The atmosphere was filled with pride and confidence as students exhibited remarkable progress, reflecting their evolving confidence and the dedication they poured into their learning paths. The Student Led Conference was not just an event; it was a testament to our student's growth, empowering them to take ownership of their educational journey. From articulate communication to outlining their aspirations, the evolution of their skills and mindset was evident throughout the presentations.

As educators, witnessing the maturation and increasing independence of our students was incredibly rewarding. Beyond strengthening the bond between parents and children, this event equipped our students with essential life skills. Encouraging them to set goals, evaluate their own progress, and communicate effectively, this conference was pivotal in shaping well-rounded individuals prepared to embrace the challenges of the future. This celebration of student achievement stands as a testament to our commitment to nurturing confident, self-assured, and goal-oriented individuals within our school community.

Embracing Love and Learning: Recap of our Heartwarming Christmas Celebration

Our recent Christmas celebration has emerged as a cornerstone event within our school community, uniting us in a vibrant and spirited celebration. The Pakuwon Trade Center transformed into a hub of festive cheer and camaraderie as we immersed ourselves in the joyous theme of "Give Love on Christmas Day."

At this heartwarming gathering, the essence of the holiday season blossomed as love and learning intertwined seamlessly. The event radiated with the values of compassion, unity, and the joy of exploration through education. From the vibrant displays to the shared experiences, our celebration became a living testament to the beautiful harmony between the pursuit of knowledge and the heartwarming embrace of love.

Gathering at the Pakuwon Trade Center, our community reveled in the festive spirit, fostering an environment that resonated with warmth and togetherness. The event, a vibrant mosaic of joyful moments and heartfelt connections encapsulated the values of love, sharing, and the limitless potential that unfolds through the journey of learning. It stood as a touching reminder of the inherent bond between love, knowledge, and the joy that blossoms when they converge harmoniously in celebration.

A Joyous Celebration: Reliving Our Unforgettable Christmas Party

Our recent Christmas party was nothing short of magical, filling every moment with the essence of the festive season. From delightful treats to thrilling games, the occasion was brimming with cheer and joy that lit up the hearts of all attendees.

Amidst the twinkling lights and spirited ambiance, our students reveled in the festive atmosphere, savoring delicious treats that delighted their taste buds. However, beyond the festivities, the event was a testament to the power of togetherness, offering our students a platform to bond, create lasting memories, and share moments of joy and laughter. The spirit of giving and receiving gifts added an extra layer of magic, fostering a sense of warmth and camaraderie that enveloped everyone present.

As the afternoon unfolded, laughter echoed in the air, and the true essence of Christmas was vividly portrayed. It was a heartwarming celebration that encapsulated the true spirit of the season, leaving behind cherished memories for everyone to hold dear.

Spreading Joy and Generosity: SIS Surabaya's Heartwarming Christmas Donation Drive

In the heart of the Christmas season, our community at SIS Surabaya united in a beautiful display of generosity and love by participating in our annual donation drive. This heartwarming initiative aimed to support the PAUD & SDTK Pelita Permai school, a chosen beneficiary of our school's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

Throughout this festive celebration, students, parents, and staff came together, contributing various donations, ranging from essential school supplies to delightful holiday treats. This collective effort was a testament to our community's commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of students and educators at Pelita Permai.

The act of giving not only spread the warmth of the holiday season but also fostered a profound sense of unity and compassion within our community. This heartening Christmas celebration embodied the true essence of the season, emphasizing the joy that comes from sharing and caring for one another. A special mention goes to our brothers and sisters from Junior College, who dedicated their time to visit Sekolah Pelita Permai alongside our teachers, extending our support beyond donations to meaningful interactions and connections.

Coucou French Holiday Programme Wraps Up with Success and Smiles

In a whirlwind of linguistic exploration and cultural immersion, the Coucou French "Where Fun Meets French!" The Holiday Programme unfolded its wings from Monday to Wednesday, 4 to 6 December 2023, between the hours of 8 AM to 11 PM. The engaging and well-executed event left both students and organizers beaming with satisfaction.


Key Achievements:


1. Basic French Skills: Lower primary students immersed themselves in the fundamentals of the French language. Greetings and basic vocabulary became more than mere words; they transformed into bridges connecting young minds to the beauty of a new language.


2. Cultural Awareness: The journey into French culture was nothing short of magical. From captivating storytelling sessions to the interactive world of games & blocks, from savoring healthy meals to exploring French media, and the artistic flair of crafting, students developed a profound awareness of the rich tapestry that is French culture.


3. Interest Sparked: The heart of the programme beats with the rhythm of sparking interest. Students didn't just learn; they ignited a curiosity that will fuel their exploration of the French language and culture in the future.


A Tapestry of Activities:

- Storytelling in French

- Introduction to French Vocabulary

- Board Games (with Institut français Indonésie)

- Cooking Class: Sandwiches

- French Trial Class

- Explore French Media Library & Video Games

- Watching French Cinema (with Institut français Indonésie)

- Workshop Creative "Moulin Carton"

- Coloring and Exploring Colors in French

- Explore Children's French Songs (with Institut français Indonésie)

- Eiffel Building Blocks (with RoboKidz)

- French Flag Painting (with Art Date With You)

Student Testimonials:

"I had so much fun learning French and making new friends. The activities were not just educational but super exciting!" - Maisie, Primary 1 student.


"The French Basic Class opened my eyes to a whole new world. I can't wait to continue learning French!" - Aiden, Primary 4 student.


Looking Forward:

As the curtains close on this enriching chapter, the organizers express their gratitude to the enthusiastic participants and look forward to welcoming them back to the next holiday camp. The Coucou French Holiday Programme was not just an educational venture; it was a celebration of language, culture, and the joy of learning. Until next time, à bientôt! 🇫🇷✨

Disconnect to Connect: Rebuild the Connection with Nature

Holiday Camp is one of the annual events organised by SIS Surabaya. The holiday camp for Upper Primary to Junior College students was held for three days on December 4, 5, and 6, 2023, at Radisa Hill Villa and Resort in Pacet, Mojokerto.

The program, with the theme 'Disconnect to connect: Rebuild the connection with nature's help,' aimed to assist students in reconnecting with their friends during their stay in the rural area.

Students had a great time participating in numerous exciting activities such as hiking, paintball war, and rafting. Through participation in circuit-post-games and team-building exercises, they also learned how to enhance their communication, planning, delegating, and problem-solving skills.

We sincerely hope that the students will keep the connection they made during the event and transmit it to others at school.