From the Principal

Natalie Shanahan

I may have jumped the gun in my last newsletter when talking about how talented our students are! I have been blown away in the last week watching them perform at talent shows, rehearsing for carols performances, practicing for house sports events, dancing at fairy tale balls, propagating plants for sustainability projects and seeing our leaders shine in their various leadership roles. What a confident, capable group of students we have. Thank you to the staff for all of your extra efforts to bring these events and opportunities together.


Thank you also to the staff and families who attended carols last night. It was a truly lovely evening watching our students perform and we were so pleased to see so many of you there to join the fun. Special mention to our performing arts teachers Belinda Boreham and Stephanie Daniel for coordinating the event and to our Community Engagement Committee for their fundraising efforts.


Over the summer as you prepare for back to school please note that our uniform policy will be enforced next year. This means that all polo t shirts, jumpers, and hats will need to have the school logo. All bottoms must be plain navy blue.  Special headbands and colorful scrunchies etc. can be saved for the weekend. Shoes must be either black school shoes or runners. Socks need to be white or navy. Thank you for your help and support with this. As always, please reach out if you need any assistance providing the correct uniform for your child.


Save the date: We will be hosting a family picnic event on Wednesday the 7th of February. The classrooms will be open from 4-5pm for students to do a 'show and tell' of their new learning spaces followed by a relaxing evening on the oval for parents to get to know one another. 


Staffing update: I would like to say a huge thank you and farewell to two of our teachers, Michael Webb and Nicole Thoonen. Michael and his family are headed to the Bellarine Peninsula for a bit of a sea change. Nicole has picked up a position in Kilsyth closer to home. We wish them all the very best for the future.


The building program is still on track for a May completion date and we are super excited to move in and set up our 13 new classrooms, library, performing arts room and science room.  We are also making some great headway with our grounds master planning and are looking forward to utilising some great new outdoor spaces next year.


2024 is looking to be a very exciting year for BPS!


Thank you one and all for your continued support of both myself and the staff this year. This really is a very special community to be a part of. Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday break!

