School News

School updates and information for parents and carers

School Based Apprenticeship/Traineeship Announced

It is always great to end the school year on a positive note!


The following students have been confirmed successful in gaining an SBAT (School Based Apprenticeship/Traineeship) as part of their Year 11 and 12 pattern of study, starting in 2024. They undertake paid work one day per week with their host employer whilst completing a VET (Vocational Education and Training) subject. Congratulations to all of these students.


Laveda Jarrett - Kempsey District Hospital - Certificate III in Allied Health Services - planning to become an OT to help others.

James Fernando - Kempsey Shire Council - Certificate II in Construction Pathways - working in various areas of council such as roads, water treatment, etc.

Dakota Collins - Coastline Credit Union - Certificate II in Workplace Skills - working as a Member Service Advisor


These are all fantastic opportunities for our students to gain full-time employment on completion of their HSC. Each student was very nervous about undertaking the application process and are commended for their dedication to achieve their personal best.

Connected Communities Scholarships for 2024 Announced

The following students have received the Connected Communities Scholarship for 2024:


Brocke Wilson-Keanie

Chace Senescal

Ebony Haywood

Jasmine Wills

Jer Kyal Greenup-Smith

Kevin Smith

Lylah Weismantel

Miley Horton

Riley Mitchell

Skarlyte Bennett

Alice McNee


This scholarship is valued at $4,000 to be paid over two years, & includes free access to Studiosity, which provides on-demand study support, and offered mentoring through the Public Education Foundation.


Thanks to Eleisha, Luca, Dawn, Jessica, Nathan, Brad, Georgie & Emily who helped the students submit their applications.

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