Parents & Friends

2023 Committee

President-Vanessa Sleeth, Vice President/Secretary - Lisa Macreadie, Treasurer - Michael DeMaria, Public Relations Officer - Currently Vacant,  Communications - Anita Gray, School Rep - Ann Margaret Carroll, General Committee Members - Sharna Sibio, Bron Huggard, Jess Church, Laura Church, Alena Ratcliffe, Celeste Prygoda, Chelsea Crawford, Kim Smith. 

New - Christmas Raffle

P&F are running a Christmas Hamper raffle. This will be drawn at our end of year Picnic.


One booklet of tickets will be sent home to families this week and will need to be returned prior to Monday 11th December.


We are asking families to donate suitable non perishable Christmas items. These can be left in the tub in the school office or sent to your students classroom. Please have your items to the office by Friday 8th December.

Update - St Mary’s Colour Run

Our very first Colour Run was a huge success.  


There was so much excitement from the students and they had so many laughs and smiles as they moved through the activities, with the color spray proving most popular.  All reports suggest we should run it again!


The highlight of the day was the Sliming of Mr Butts and him falling off his chair!!! Along with Mr Prestons revenge on P&F President Vanessa Williams, even turning her hair blue...


It was a massive team effort to make this a reality and we thank Sharna Sibbio who took on the hard work of coordining this event, with the support of Vanessa Williams, Lisa Macreadie, Mick DeMaria and the P&F Committee, along with school staff.

We had a number of parents/carers who volunteered on the day, thank you for your all help in supervising activities and encouraging students as they made their way around the track.

Thank you to all families and students who were able to fundraise for this event, we raised over $10,000. The final tally yet to be finalised.


Next Meeting - Wednesday 29th November, 5pm


Thanks for supporting us,

Vanessa Sleeth

President, P&F

M 0400 922 441