Celebrations and Acclamations

  • Primary SS -  Thankyou to all the staff who made Cros excursion so successful !  You're diligent supervision was notable on the day.  
  • Middle SS - Thank you to all of the MSS staff who have been flexible in swapping around rosters to support 2024 planning. A special thank you to Elise for being proactive and whipping up social stories for 2024 ahead of time!
  • Secondary SS - To  celebrate rooms 21 & 22 for always being so accommodating. 
  • Learning Specialists -  Thankyou to everyone who has helped with student leadership this year. 
  • Therapy  - A big thank you to Nikki Davis, Tanya Ascenzo and Karen McLachlan for all your help with the Therapy Team's resourcing needs this year. We greatly appreciate all that you do :)
  • Admin - Many hands make light work -  A huge thankyou to Julie for working additional Mondays for the remainder of the year.  The school community appreciates your support. 
  • PCT -   Congratulations to Tom Martin for successfully completing his VIT Teacher registration this week.  Tom's Inquiry question was "How do I differenctiate my yoga instruction to cater for a diversity of learner?"  Well done Tom !  You are now a fully registered teacher.