Physical Education

Mrs. Clare Kirby

What a fantastic year we have had living and learning at Our Lady's School. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach your children over the past terms for PE. Watching all the children grow with a variety of skills in their sporting classes and having fun playing a multitude of games has been a highlight for us all. 


We began Term 4 by celebrating the achievements of Our Lady's children as they represented the school in our regional athletics. This experience is one that those students and the members of our wider school community will remember for a long time to come. 



This term the children have enjoyed developing some basic 'old school' skills like hoola hooping and skipping where they learnt about perseverance and the reward that comes with practicing something even when it is challenging. 


Our Term 4 swimming program went off with a 'SPLASH' as we developed our confidence in the water and continued improving our swimming strokes. 


Over all this term, it has been a pleasure getting to know each of your children, their strengths and challenges in our PE lessons. Wishing all children and their families a happy and safe Christmas filled with love and support of those around them. 


Warmest wishes, 


Clare Kirby