
Miss Lucia Alesiani

We have had a great year learning Auslan. The students have worked hard and have embraced learning a new language with enthusiasm. I’m very proud of their efforts.


This term Grades Three to Six have focussed on revising topics from throughout the year. We have joined these topics together to construct more meaningful sentences. For example, linking weather, seasons and clothes to sign, ‘In Summer it’s hot, I wear shorts and 



F-2 students have also revised topics mainly through games such as Doggie where’s my bone? What’s the time Mr Wolf? and The colour game. We listen to read aloud Auslan stories with familiar signs and enjoy learning songs with Auslan signs.


Some interesting facts we have learnt this year about Auslan:

  • Auslan is not the same as English-it has its own structure and grammar
  • There are 2 dialects of Auslan in Australia: The Northern Dialect and The Southern Dialect-our program teaches the Southern Dialect
  • If you are getting the attention of a deaf person, it is ok to point, wave, tap someone on the shoulder and flick the light on and off
  • There is not always a sign for an English word in Auslan, but we can fingerspell these words
  • There can be more than one correct Auslan sign for an English word


I look forward to continuing our Auslan journey together next year.