Pastoral and Cultural News

Griffith RSL Sub-Branch has two major fundraising activities per year. The ANZAC Appeal is held in the weeks leading up to ANZAC Day, and the Poppy Appeal is held in the lead-up to Remembrance Day. For more than 100 years, the annual Poppy Appeal has supported Australian veterans and their families. Your donation can help the RSL continue to deliver life-changing support to our veterans and their families when they need it the most. All donations remain within the Veteran community of Griffith. Friday 10 November, students from the community action team assisted the Griffith RSL to help fundraise for the Poppy Appeal leading up to Remembrance Day. The students were situated in the new Kiosk on Banna Avenue and were proactive in helping support veterans and their families. Pictured below are the following students with Michael Borge, President of the Griffith RSL Branch. Front Left: Javier Torresan, Michael Borge, Lua’luifi Filipo, Christian Broadbent,Navdeep Kaur, Leti Veamatahau, Zi (Anna)Ooi, & Zarra Tengku.

Wednesday 15 November we were so excited to use our School’s new Industrial Kitchen for Carevan and coordinated by our very own Chef and Staff Member Matt Gatt. Both Students and Staff enjoyed the ‘new’ process of putting together a nutritional and healthy meal for the 150 people who needed the Griffith Carevan services at the Griffith Community Centre. 

These students who helped are from years 7 to 10 and are members of the Community Action Team. They have committed themselves this year with service, and have been mentored and educated around the social awareness and compassion for those living in poverty.

Students involved; Lemafoe Setefano, Mea Veamatahau, Kurosh Parsa, Eloise McCarthy, Charles Adamson, Elise Munro, Tayla Nichols, Kameli Loaloadravu, Taylor Hornbuckle and Sophia Vecchio.

I would like to also thank the staff members who volunteered their time and efforts to help prepare for our last caravan of 2023. Special thanks to Maureen Shannon, Matt Gatt, Hellen Panarello, Sally Mitchell, Lucia Dickie, Michelle Swan and Brooke Jarvis-Dempsey.

“Carevan is making a difference and so can you”

The Carevan story -


Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal

Since Kmart Griffith has been established here in Griffith as a retail store, Marian Catholic College has been involved with the Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal which has been an annual event. This year Kmart has invited Marian Catholic Students to attend and help out as it’s a special event where Kmart will be celebrating the 30th year of the Wishing Tree Appeal.

Salvation Army are the proud founding charity partner of the Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal, and more than ever they were calling out for support of gifts and contributions in-store and online which commenced from Thursday 16 November. 


Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal is an important local initiative that gives customers and team members the chance to make a direct impact the people struggling in their community.

Students were involved in singing Christmas Carols, assisting with Santa photos, face painting and arts and crafts for the children. Kmart Staff and Management Betty Laulifi opened up their performance and sang to showcase their Christmas flash mob, where the students happily got involved and danced and sang ‘O Holy Night’.


The students were so cheerful and proactive during this event and the customers, staff and management were very grateful for their service with a smile and their act of kindness. These students involved received small gifts for their help. 

We would also like to thank Betty, Trudy, Tiffany, Anna and Staff for the opportunity given to our students and their support and donation in completing our I-CARE KIT project at Marian Catholic College.


I would like to thank these students for their participation; Odena Tavita, Zarra Tengku, Lemafoe Setefano, Lua’lufi Filipo, Taylor Leilua, Rebecca Ikenasio, Jannet Tapumania, Sofia D’Aquino, Ross Aloniu, Aotearoa Filipo, and Mea Veamatahau.