Getting to know our staff....

This is a new feature in the Newsletter, where we randomly choose a staff member and interview them.  Hope you enjoy getting to know our staff at MCC.

Mr Albert Alexander

1. What subjects do you teach?

 I teach HSI, TAS en RE. 


2. How long have you been working at MCC?

 I started working at MCC at the end of January 2023. 


3. What is the best thing about working at MCC?

How much time do you have?

Let's start with running water and working electricity without 4-hour interruptions, twice a day, on a daily basis.

Not being worried about being high-jacked on my way to work every day. 

Classes with less than 40 kids in them.

Supportive staff who are always willing to share their resources with you.

Coaching a sport is not compulsory so I can finally spend my weekends with my family.

Family and work-life balance is consistent. 

Marking! Marking! Marking! Only 3 assessments per term. Is this real? I still feel like I am dreaming. Where I come from we have 6 assessments/tasks/tests per term and they all count towards a student's final percentage. And yes, everything you mark will be moderated by the HOD and if you do not get it right, you do it again. 

Personal well-being. Every now and again a staff member will ask, R U OK? Well yes, thanks for asking!

I love the fact that you can ask if you're not sure. This is a totally different system that I need to get used to and the KLA leaders  are always so supportive.  

6 Weeks holiday at the end of the year! Are you kidding me? I have died and gone to heaven. 

Last but not least. Coming from a 3rd world country I am allowed to say this: The pay is wonderful! 

(Seriously though, teachers in this beautiful country do not know how good they have it.)


4. What did you want to be when you were younger?

During my high school years, I worked for an independent film production company and I really wanted to be a director of photography.


5. What is the best piece of advice you can give to others?

Listen to Bazz Luhrmann's 'Sunscreen" and read 'Desiderata'. When you are done you can just follow their instructions. It changed my life for the better. 


 6. Hidden Talent/Skills?

I can speak two languages. Yay. 


 7. Favourite Book/Movie?

Favourite film: Fiela's Child

Favourite book: The entire 'Spud' series. 


8. Favourite Food?

Braavleis, biltong, boerewors and Brandewyn. (You may use Google Translate for these)