Year 5/6 Science Incursion

Mad about Science Incursion - Space


The 5/6 Children were involved in an engaging science session where they explored the Solar System.   Ken from Mad about science presented the children with many topics such as;

  • The number and name of the planets
  • The scale of the solar system
  • Reclassification of Pluto
  • Other bodies in the solar system such as asteroids, meteoroids and comets
  • How some meteoroids crash into planets making craters
  • How a rocket needs to generate enough force to overcome earth’s gravity to launch
  • The surfaces of other planets

Some student comments...


“I loved learning about the meteorites craters by using the flour and throwing rocks. 

I liked learning about gravity when Ken let go of a balloon to demonstrate” 

~ Ahem Brar ~


I loved when we had to put the planets into order, it really made our group think. 

There was an extra ball and it was the moon, we forgot to add it. 

~ Jessie Kabangu ~


I loved watching the balloon go up when we were learning about gravity. 

~ Katie Hamilton ~


I really liked when he stuck a balloon to Ivy’s head showing us about static electricity.

~ Lola Hoare ~