Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight - Weeks 7 and 8

Junior Years

Mrs Caldow:

Mehran Ahmadi for avoiding distractions on the floor and working hard on his learning tasks. Excellent job, Mehran!

Mapieu Tiny for being brave and having a go at swimming. 

Great work, Mapieu!

Miss Turk:

Eliza Kiel for demonstrating wonderful courage and talent while performing in front of our class. You are awesome Lize!

Zara Kyriakou for trying new things and being brave at swimming.

 I am really proud of you, Zarz!

Mr Morrison:

Harry Dodds for continuing to work on and improve his writing. 

Well done Harry 

Willow Brown for continuing to work really hard on her work and finishing the year off well. Great stuff Willow. 

Mrs Weber:

Charlotte Corbo for always being a happy and cheerful member of our class who offers to help others.  Well done Charlotte!

Gaby Bisimwa for always doing her best and giving everything a go.

Awesome work Gaby!

Miss Finn:

Peyton Wileman for her effort in writing independently and improving her spelling. 

Well done!


Maryanne Kaufusi for writing fantastic stories and editing her own work.  

Keep it up!

Violet Magill for always completing her best work and writing neatly.

 Keep it up!


Willow Ryan for persevering when completing work and always giving her best effort.

Mr Maskell:

Eli Thomas for always trying his best with his learning.

Well done Eli.

Mikha Rose Joby for being a patience friendly student who shows great care when reading and writing.

Miss Sidebottom:

Aden Kuttikkeril Renjith for showing tremendous growth in his learning. 

Keep up the great work Aden!

Mason Bigg for always giving his best with every task he approaches. 

Keep up the great work Mason!

Mr Andronaco:

Alesana Wallace for doing a terrific job in her reading and writing. 

Keep up the great work. 

Mia Paul for completing her writing at a high standard, great work Mia!

Middle Years:

Mr O'Hara:

Nargas Ahmadi for finishing her work efficiently and to a high standard. 

Amazing effort Nargas!

Milan Biju for going outside your comfort zone in trying new games and coming swimming with another class! Fantastic work, you are adapting well to different situations. Keep up the great work, Milan!

Mr Secchi:

Grace Weber for the wonderful effort you put into your graphic story about French culture. It is both informative and humorous! Well done, Grace!

Mehransh Dhanoa for the effort you put into all of your work, but especially 

your data and graphs booklet! 

Your confidence shows how far you have come in maths this year, keep up the great work! Well done, Mehransh! 

Mr Renato:

Jasmine Elnour for being able to self umpire during sport in our downball matches and encourage and include others.  

Harshjot Kaur for being able to draft a persuasive piece showing good structure and use words for the persuasive word wall.  

Mrs Dainton:

Phillip for his Writing and creative illustrations that he can combine with his writing pieces.  He can draw many caricatures that are fantastic. 

Well Done Phillip !

Freya for her exceptional writing pieces. They are creative and so neat and well constructed. This is consistent over any types of writing that we do in class. 

Well Done Freya !

Mr Howley:

Solange for her very neat presentation of her work at all times. Super work!

Noah for his excellent story about “I was amazed”, where he talked about the ocean.

Very good listening during novel time.

Senior Years

Mr Beks:

Mason Laity for always being a respectful student and always completing his work. 

All with a great sense of humour.  Well done!

Ridhi Chandwani for her high level of consistency and work ethic in the Lindon/Beks classroom all year!

Mr Lindon:

Fabian Rillstone for being able to follow instructions, classroom routines and 

engage in all learning tasks. 

Keep it up Fabian. 

Nimrat Kaur for showcasing improved Maths capabilities as the year has progressed. Well done Nimrat!

Mr Iorianni:

Mason Nicholson for being a great classmate towards others. 

Mason has included others in everything that he does showing his friendly personality and awesome leadership. Good work, Mason.


Ocean Nguyen For being engaged in his learning. Ocean has consistently displayed great commitment to all his work, producing all his tasks with quality in mind.

 Fantastic work, Ocean!

Mrs Baldacchino/Miss Casey:

Kahle Skipper for showing great leadership in both the classroom and outside during kickball. Well done Kahle

Tamsyn McGregor for being very motivated and committed to all tasks that she is set. Keep up the great work Tamsyn!