Catholic Identity



On Saturday night, 11th November, families with students representing all year levels attended the Term 4 Youth Mass at our St Brendan’s Parish Church. 


It was lovely to see so many of our families delighting in their children participating in this special Mass.  All of the students who participated, joined in as; readers of the Prayers of the Faithful, Altar Servers, taking up the offertory and standing out the front for the Creed, singing ‘Yes Lord I Believe’. 


Following the Mass, the children and their families were invited back to the MPJ Centre to enjoy pizza and drinks organised by the Notre Dame Youth Faith and Ministry team.  


Thank you Zoe and Callum. The activity organised for the night, was for the children to get into groups and gather items for a Christmas Hamper to go out to those in need this Christmas, through St Vincent DePaul.  The children also wrote and decorated beautiful cards for their hamper. It was a lovely night with plenty of student involvement.





MacKillop Art Exhibition CONGRATULATIONS Lily Brooks ‘Highly Commended’


A big congratulations to Lily Brooks in Year 4 who was awarded a Special Highly Commended Award by Very Rev Fr Brian Boyle at Exhibition launch, Friday Nov 10th at the beautiful Sacred Heart Cathedral in Bendigo.


Both Lily and Katie Hamilton were invited to receive a special Blessing from Fr Brian during the ceremony. A great honour.


At the launch, Harman Kellett, Katie Hamilton and Lily Brooks were in attendance with myself, representing St Brendan’s Primary School.  It was such a delight to be actively involved in the launch this year and we are very proud of all the students from St Brendan’s who were involved in creating artworks for the exhibition.  They all looked amazing.  Well Done!


 Congratulations again to Lily for achieving a wonderful certificate of acknowledgement for her beautiful artwork which reflected our 2023 school theme; ‘Live Life to the Full’. 


Lily Brooks
Lily Brooks



Harman, Katie and Lily
Katie Hamilton
Harman Kellett
Harman, Katie and Lily
Katie Hamilton
Harman Kellett




Mass and Graduation Ceremony


Our whole school end of year CELEBRATION and GRADUATION Mass for our Year 6's will be held on Thursday, 7th December at 10.15am.  The Mass will be held at St. Brendan's Catholic Church with Father Joe Taylor (Parish Priest).


All are welcome to attend this special celebration of our wonderful school year together.  Morning tea will follow in our school hall for interested families. 


The presentation of Year 6 Graduation certificates will commence after this special celebration Mass.


Please find attached a flyer regarding the Mass.



Altar Servers Celebration PARTY

Our wonderful altar servers will celebrate their year of service to the church and school with a pizza lunch on Wednesday, 6th December at 11am in the MPJ Centre. 


Leanne Pellegrino (Catholic Identity Leader) will take the students over and supervise and enjoy a well deserved celebration lunch with the students and Father Joe and Jackson. 


Food and drinks will be supplied.  No lunch will be needed for the students on this day