School Advisory Council Chair Reflection...

School Advisory Council Highlights 2021-2023


The current School Advisory Council started in February 2021 at the height of the 

COVID-19 pandemic. This presented its own unique challenges and concerns in addition to the regular running of the Council.  Each Council member had specific ideas and agendas that they were keen to have addressed.


The positive of these meetings leads me to the word ‘Passion’, each one of us has come to this group with a passion for the school and a passion for our students. In the time that we have been together, I feel that each member has made a significant contribution to the operations and planning of the school.  Many thanks to all members for their time and commitment over the last three years.


Tom Dickins, Greg Stevens, Kim Wall, Jo Spencer, John Howley and Joel Brian were involved in the logistical development of the new playground and sheds. Thanks to Tom and Greg for clearing of trees and the old shed.


Tina Tolentino, Jo Spencer and John Miksad– Explored ways to promote academic achievement in the school, leading to the introduction of the Star of the Week Award.


Duncan Moodie, Tim Cannon and Kelly Crosier– Developed major proposals for improving parent engagement with the school, many of which have now been implemented (PAM Module, St Brendan’s Facebook page, access to Parent/Teacher conversations)


Kate Radevski – Aside from being a regular contributor, Kate put together a strong case to include a Skort in the school uniform for girls, which was readily accepted by the school.


Kim Wall and Tyler Tricarico– Many ideas about wellbeing and therapeutic options within the school, as well as being regular contributors to the discussions. 


Leon Sargeant – Providing insight into the meeting structure and inclusion of the Strategic Plan.


Jo Alper – For her professionalism in Minute taking for our Council.


I also wanted to acknowledge the time and commitment of Paula, Joel and John to attend and facilitate these meetings in their own time and supplying food at our dinners. 


Thanks again everyone for your time and commitment to the Advisory Council over the last 3 years.



John Miksad - Chair of School Advisory Committee