FIRE Carriers

Ngata (hello)
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing FIRE Carriers for their outstanding efforts this year in their role. Alice, Ben, Alastair, Annabel, Bella and Alessio have worked hard throughout the year, attending FIRE Carrier meetings, writing interesting and informative articles for the newsletter and have been involved in planning events for the OLA community including our amazing Little Long Walk. Thank you for your enthusiasm and energy and we wish you all the best in your leadership roles in Grade Six.
Wurruk (regards)
Fiona Lee & Gen O’Meara
This year being a FIRE Carrier I have helped prepare for the Little Long Walk and participated in it too. I really enjoyed having the different experiences to learn about the First Nations people and indigenous culture.
Ben S
Being a FIRE Carrier this year was a good year for me because I got to say the Acknowledgement of Country at the beginning of our school Production. I also enjoyed the role of bringing forward the message stick and speaking at our school assemblies.
Alastair D
As a FIRE Carrier I have really enjoyed writing in the newsletter because we wrote about things that were interesting to us but also informed the OLA community about indigenous culture.
Alice W
This year as a FIRE Carrier we have had a great honour of visiting different places. My favourite part was our trip to The Briars to learn about indigenous culture and history.
Alessio P
This year I have enjoyed my role as FIRE Carrier. A highlight was OLA’s Little Long Walk. It was special because it began with a smoking ceremony and then we led the walk about the school grounds. We designed a Little Long Walk banner together and held it up with pride as we walked around the school.
Bella K
As a FIRE Carrier this year we have had so many wonderful experiences including going to The Briars, writing for the newsletter, leading The Little Long Walk and helping the OLA community learn more about our amazing Indigenous culture and history. I have loved being a FIRE Carrier this year.