Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

Year 7 News

Congratulations to both our Year 7 Girls Tennis and Basketball teams who competed in the State SSV competitions down in Melbourne recently. Both teams played extremely well winning 1 game out of 3, what an amazing achievement to make it to state level, well done to all involved!


Our major Year 7 awards will be presented at the End of Year presentation night on Wednesday the 13th of December. Stay tuned for more details in the newsletter and on Facebook. 



A big thank you to the many families who have diligently reported to us when their child is absent from school via the app or the absence hotline.  We will be making an effort to resolve any unexplained absences over the next few weeks, before the end of the year. Please continue to log your child’s absence if they are away from school for any reason.


Assessment and Reporting

In the past few weeks students have been completing PAT testing within some of their classes. Well done to all students on their efforts during this time. As we near the end of the year, it’s important that all students keep focussed on their learning until the end of the year, we still have several weeks of valuable learning planned! Students are reminded to check in with their teachers about any unsubmitted assessment tasks.



Transition Day

On Tuesday the 12th of December, we will be welcoming our Year 7s for 2024 to Horsham College for Transition Day.  To support this, we ask that Year 7 students remain at home on this day. Letters were distributed regarding this last week. 



A reminder to all students that as we near the end of the school year, it is your responsibility to ensure that your locker is fully cleared out and clean. Any books that are not currently being used, it may be a good idea to start taking them home, to avoid having to take them all at once!


Keep pushing through to the end of the year!


Gareth Hose and Cam Bruce - Yr 7 YLC’s