Alternate Programs

Liam Offer - Assistant Principal VCM VM

Welcome to Week 8

We are under 2 weeks from the finish line for our seniors who will finish December 1st. It has been one of the busiest terms I think ever experienced for all teachers and students. Thank you to the staff, parents and students that have been involved. Results are in and planning for our awards night is in full swing. Students will get their invitations if they have completed their certificate or if they have been nominated for an award.

2024 planning has begun. To assist us in timetabling classes can you please inform your teachers if there are changes to your circumstances for 2024. We will assist where we can and make sure that students have a chance to access the pathway they are pursuing.

The end of year dates will soon be sent out to students in different programs along with the end of year farewells for each program.

Absent follow ups – If your child has been away or will be away can you please contact their teacher to approve absences.


McKenzie Creek

On Monday 13th November a group of students from McKenzie Creek were lucky enough to take part in industry tours to different local businesses. This was kindly organised by David Crooks from the LLEN. Starting off at KFC students met former Horsham College student Alisha who started off as crew and is now a supervisor. Alisha did a wonderful job talking about her own career experience and showing students the different elements of work at KFC. This was teamed with advice around training and how to apply for jobs at KFC. Next up was McDonalds to meet Leah who has been at Maccas for around 6 years also working her way up from ‘red t-shirt’ crew. She was also very impressive as she showed students behind the scenes. Leah also talked about interesting facts including the biggest sale day before Christmas last year making over 40k in one day and 121 burgers in 15 minutes! It was then onto Harvey Norman and a tour of 3 different departments furniture, electrics and computers. All with interesting elements of business and operation. Students were particularly impressed though with the massage chairs and sound systems not surprisingly. Lastly, we went to Figtree Café and students had the opportunity to make their own hot chocolates. Overall, it was a fantastic morning showcasing some great prospective employment opportunities for students. Thank you so much to David for organising and to the staff at each of the businesses we visited.

McKenzie Creek students have had a recent focus on Halloween. They have learnt about the history and have written persuasive pieces on whether it should be celebrated in Australia. They have also enjoyed the opportunity to participate in some hands-on activities including decorating Halloween biscuits, carving pumpkins, and doing some spooky science experiments!

Alternate Programs VET

Congratulations to the 14 students who successfully completed units BSBCMM211 Apply Communication Skills and BSBPEF201 Support Personal Wellbeing in the Workplace from Certificate II in Workplace Skills. These units are great preparation for any workplace. The students applied themselves very well and worked hard to achieve successful results. This means they have gained a credit towards their VPC or VCE VM certificate. For those students continuing next year I look forward to seeing you then and to those who are graduating, all the best…Dave.