Student Academic Counsellor

Mrs Bonita O'Brien

Towards the end of the year

As the term and the year draw ever closer to the end, it is sometimes difficult for students (and the teachers!) to maintain attention and motivation in all areas of their schoolwork. It is very important to keep up with routines and schedules to help with this motivation.  Maintaining good sleep habits and having a healthy and balanced diet are vital to getting through the remainder of the year in a positive way. Now is also the time to consider the next school year, encourage students to begin sorting through their lockers so that non-essential items can be removed so that the clean up at the end of the year is not as difficult.  Senior students will have received some booklists and others will be coming soon; being on top of these requirements is helpful in terms of budgeting but also so that students can begin to be aware of the content they will be studying next year. Being motivated and positive means that we can all keep showing the good character that Horsham College is known for.