Principal's Report

Ms Meg Woolford - Acting Principal 

Financial Contribution, Stationery & Textbook Lists

Recently, or very soon you will have received some information in the mail. The first is information regarding changes to Horsham College’s voluntary financial contributions for 2024 to help alleviate cost of living pressures. The change is moved to a one of contribution, rather than subject specific. These contributions are used to directly support subject programs and our student Wellbeing Team across the College.


The College Council and school Leadership Team is very proud to be able to continue to provide a high-quality education and experience to our students at a low cost.  We understand the additional costs of education in regards uniform, textbooks and IT devices, and will continue to work with families to maintain standards in an affordable manner.


The 2024 Stationery & Textbook Lists have also been sent to families. If you would like to see a copy of the Finalised Lists these are available from our Website with the below link:


Headstart Year 11 and 12 2024 and End of Year

The Headstart programs for students will finish today for Year 11 into Year 12 and next Friday for Year 10 into Year 11.  The programs are an opportunity for students and staff to begin the learning for the year ahead and understand the expectations of VCE and VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) at Horsham College.


I would like to thank the staff who have prepared lessons and worked collaboratively to prepare for the year ahead and ensure a smooth transition for 2024.


Once the Headstart programs are completed the teams in Years 7 to 9 will begin preparing students to transition to the following year level.  Students in Year 8, 9 and 10 in 2024 will receive their elective choices and several students will have meetings to review 2023 and establish positive plans for 2024.


Please understand that due to statewide teacher shortages, we have a very tight timetable. Whilst every effort is made to provide students with their top preferences, this is not always possible, which is why we requested back up preferences on subject selection day. 


Updated Policies

The following policies were approved by School Council on Wednesday, 15th November. 


o          Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy

o          Alt Programs Enrolment Policy

o          Duty of Care Policy

o          Anaphylaxis Policy

o          Camps and Excursions Policy

o          Child Safe Code of Conduct Policy

o          Visitors Policy

o          Child Safety – Responding and Reporting Policy

o          Complaints Policy

o          Child Safety Policy


These policies can be found on our website in the policies section of College Life.  As always, we encourage members of College community to provide feedback on our policies and procedures.