Student Services 

Dear Students....

We are nearing the end of the school and calendar year. Excitement for the holiday season is closing in.  A busy year is had by all, and we are all feeling a little bit exhausted.


School holidays can sometimes be mixed with feelings of worry or uncertainty. For young people with mental health or emotional wellbeing difficulties, the school holidays can be a tricky time to navigate as their usual routine is changed. For others the six-week break can bring feelings of peace and calm.


School can provide a sense of routine which can help us to create healthy habits that promote a sense of wellbeing. Without a regular routine it can become difficult to find the motivation to keep up healthy habits, such as quality sleep, healthy diet, and physical activity. 


The structure that school has brought us throughout the year helps us to connect with friends and engage in regular activities. Without this structure our connections with friends can sometimes drop off in the school holidays which can take a toll on our emotional wellbeing.


Here are some tips to consider throughout the holidays to help support you.

  • Sleep is the key: Find a consistent and healthy sleep pattern. Reduce light stimulus, use of screens before bed, and have a cool sleeping room temperature. Sleep is one of the most critical elements to maintain good mental health.  
  • Get into nature: Oxygen, moving, fresh air, and activity are all perfect ways to regain your balance and improve your mood.  
  • Eat a nutritious diet: This will nourish your brain and will help with forming good sleep patterns, improve mood and assist with focus.


We wish you all a safe and happy holiday. For those moving on, we wish you the very best in your education and or employment pathways. For those of you returning, we look forward to seeing you back healthy, happy and motivated in 2024.


Kind regards     

Louise West - Wellbeing Coordinator

Tahlia Pastor - Social Worker

Alicia Alpium - Counsellor

SunSmart Ideas

SunSmart - With Summer coming on here is some important information about Sun safety.


Mrs Jo Morkham

Nurse (Doctors in Schools)