
Year 10 Work Experience

One of the first events that needed to be organised when I started here at Scoresby in Term 2 was the work experience program. The Year 10 Work Experience Program was a real high light for me. Connecting with the students, seeing them grow through the process of researching areas of interest, completing all the administration involved, doing their work safety certificates and the wonderful feedback we received as they all entered the work force for a week. 


It was wonderful having some of our current Year 10 students returning last week to share with the Year 9 students some of the benefits of Work Experience, some of the challenges they faced and strategies they used to overcome these challenges and what the students can expect. The presentations were fabulous, and the students looked great as they wore the expected dress code for each of their industries they worked at.  

A brilliant example why work experience is so beneficial for the student’s personal growth and giving them a head start in planning for their careers. 


Work Experience for 2024 will be held the last week of term 2 and I look forward to working with the Year 10 students of 2024 and seeing their personal growth and sense of achievement through the process. 


ATAR Results and Tertiary Preferences

With the release of the students ATAR earlier this week, it has been a very busy time here in the career’s office. It was great to see so many come back for the Morning Tea and it has been an honour for me working 1:1 with these students supporting them as they make their future plans. 


I wish all our students well in the coming months, as they wait for university offer’s, confirmation of TAFE placements, starting apprenticeships and entering the workforce. 


Nothing is impossible, The word itself says I’M POSSIBLE ! (Audrey Hepburn)


Some Important Dates to Remember:

  • 4pm 13 December 2023, change of preference (1) closes in readiness for December 2023 offers.
  • 2pm 21December 2023, December offers are released
  • 4pm 22 December 2023, change of preference (2) closes in readiness for January 2024 offers
  • 2pm 12 January 2024, January offers released.

Please note on the Thursday 21 December and the Friday 12 January, Tanya will be available for email consultation,

supporting students as they receive offers or need to change preferences. 


Mrs Tanya Molloy

Careers Leader