Wet and Wild - PBL Excursion

On Thursday the 7th, the Platinum students woke up at an ungodly hour (4 am), greeted by a chipper, borderline bromance of Mr Miller and Mr Dodds, but a sleepy Ms Mason. We all buckled up, eager to get to Wet'n'Wild. Mr Dodds blessed us with some bangin’ tunes. A few Taylor Swift songs later (shoutout to DJ Dodds) and we had arrived, ready to get wet and wild.

After slip, slop, slapping, it was time to get slippery on the slides! Collectively, as a gang, we pulled up to our first slide, Mammoth Falls. Everyone jumped in groups of four and had a mammoth amount of fun (as seen in the photos- thanks Ms Mason). 

We all split into groups, divided and conquered, and hit up a variety of different, and very epic slides. After many hours of fun, it was time to make the big trek back home. Thanks heaps to Mr Miller and Mr Dodds for sharing the driving, and being proper lads, keeping us entertained along the way. Thank you as well to Ms Mason for putting up with us all day, making us laugh, and also taking the best action shots. We had the best day out. Thank you to everyone who went and organised our trip!


By Charlotte, Kolby, and Louisa.