Leadership's Report

Dear Rockhampton North Special School Community,


Welcome back to Term 2! We are so excited to see all the faces of both students and staff who have returned refreshed and excited for the new term. Reports were sent to parents and guardians at the end of Term 2 and we are very proud of the accomplishments that the students have made over the first semester.


At the end of week 1, we had five students compete in the State Trials for Cross Country. We are so proud of Aaron, Dylan, Phoenix, Lily-May and Lincoln for representing both the CQ Region but also our school. Thank you to the families for making this a possibility for our students to excel in sport – we appreciate your dedication to see your children shine. Thank you to Lisa for assisting the families to make this possible.


On Wednesday this week, we have more than 20 students representing our school at the district trials for track and field. We wish you all the best and we are eager to see how you go. Thank you to Lisa and Bev for training the students in the events and your support for sport in the school. Good luck!


Friday of Week 1, Julie, Madi and Jay supported some students to attend a local NAIDOC fair. Our students enjoyed the opportunity to embrace the celebrations and march, proudly representing our school.


Our photo day is scheduled for Tuesday 30 July 2024. Parents and Guardians should have received communication via SeeSaw on how to purchase photos of your child. 


Alternatively, please view the code in the parent information section of the newsletter.

The annual suite of School Opinion Surveys will be conducted 22 July to 16 August 2024. All families, school staff and students in target year levels (5, 6, 8 and 11) will be invited to participate. We encourage you to take this opportunity to have your say about what our school does well, and how we can improve.  The Department of Education will commence sending email invitations to participants from Monday the 22nd of July. An invitation to complete the Parent/Caregiver Survey will be emailed to one parent/caregiver per family in the week beginning 22 July.  The invitation will be sent from the Department of Education, not the school, and it will have the subject line School Opinion Survey for parents and caregivers, 2024.  Check your junk email folders if you can’t find it.  The survey can be completed as soon as the invitation is received and will take approximately 5 minutes using a computer, tablet or smart phone.  Keep an eye out for yours!


We invite families to complete the survey while enjoying a scone during a social gathering at our school. We will be providing scones to our families in our Library on the following days: Wednesday, 31st of July, and the 7th and 14th of August, from 9:00 – 10:00.Please bring along your smart phone or tablet to complete the survey. In the past we only had a small percentage of families completing the survey which doesn’t provide a true reflection of parent voice. We therefore encourage as many families as possible to complete the survey. 😊


We look forward to working with the students this semester to see continuous improvement in their learning goals.



Warm regards,

Dehlia, Sam, Troy, Kate and Alana.

Leadership Team