Student News 


Year 11 students travelled to Warrnambool’s Deakin University on Tuesday 25th June to participate in a number of safe driving education workshops as part of the RYDA program.  This was a valuable learning experience for all involved and hopefully will allow our students to be safer road users. Thanks to Jenny Goddard for supporting students on this day. 


Term 3

Week 1




Evie Almond - Kindness - for always looking out for others and being a helpful classmate. Thank you

Gus Robertson - Growth Mindset - for completing all tasks and making great learning choices. Well done

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Isla Barber - Growth Mindset - for always being ready to learn and making a positive start to term three!

Hugo Latham - Growth Mindset- Working hard and making a great start to term three. 



Leo Slater - Growth Mindset -  for focusing on making good choices in the classroom 

Monique Clarke - growth mindset - for taking on challenges in maths with a great attitude! 


Harry Donovan - growth mindset - for your excellent spelling in Spelling Mastery

Syriah Guy - growth mindset - for your extremely positive approach to all learning at school


Term 2

Week 10


Hudson Riquier -Growth Mindset - for your excellent sentences using where and when. Well done Hudson!

Luca Hearne - Growth Mindset - for having a red hot go in Sounds Write lessons. Top job Luca!



Dakota Mason -Growth Mindset - for your super effort in completing the Story Hill on ‘Kookoo Kookaburra.’ Well done Dakota

Jordy Donovan - Growth Mindset - for your detail and effort in writing a Story Hill on ‘Kookoo Kookaburra.’ Well done Jordy


Lewi Baker - Growth Mindset - for having a red, hot go - especially in writing, maths and discovery.

Hendrix Vaughn - Growth Mindset - for trying his best and asking appropriate questions for learning.


Ayden Gibbins - Growth Mindset - for your great improvement on your multiplication fluency grid.

Jack Billing - Respect - for the impressive effort you put into your rhyming poem writing. 



Harry Donovan - for your great work in English. You think deeply about questions before sharing your answers.

Teahla McGlynn - for being a great friend and bus buddy to Riley