Parent Information

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We have some missing student uniform. 

Can you please check all of your black jackets and jumpers to make sure they belong to your child and have not been picked up by mistake.

Parent Visitors 

All parents or carers who visit our school during school hours, other than for the purposes of school pick ups and drop offs, are required to sign in as a visitor at the school office.


If you wish to see your child's teacher, we ask that you do not just turn up to the classroom before or after school. Please contact the office to arrange an appointment. 

It is just a reminder that teachers prepare for day before school and often have meetings after school.


We understand that there may occasionally be a reason why a parent or carer may want to speak to or see their child at school, during school hours. 

If there is a particular pressing or unavoidable issue that cannot wait until the end of the school day, we ask that parents or carers call the school office to make the request to speak to or see their child during school hours.

We also ask that parents avoid arranging to visit their children at school wherever possible, as this can cause inappropriate disruptions to the school day. 


A copy of the visitors policy is available on the school website.



For helpful tips and tricks for using the  Sentral Parent Portal, please check out the Sentral Parent Portal tab in this newsletter. Updated with important information every fortnight.


If you need help or are having difficulties with the portal or app, please contact the General Office. We are always happy to help.


Lunch orders are only  available on MONDAY & FRIDAY, so lunches will need to be bought from home on the other days. 

College Café will continue to run on MONDAYS and our canteen will continue to be open at recess each day.


End of Day Student Messages


If you have a message or if your child/ren are not on the school bus at the end of the day could you please phone the general office before 2.30pm. 

 We do however understand that on some occasions this is not possible. We would greatly appreciate your assistance with this process.


Bus Travel:


All bus travellers are reminded of their responsibilities whilst using the school bus service.  This includes remaining seated and behaving appropriately at all times.  Students must also wear seat belts where fitted.  Of course, the utmost care must always be taken when students get on or off the buses and it is important that parents constantly reinforce these safety measures to their children.  It is also important that parents inform the office staff as early as possible about any changes in bus travel as accurate records are essential in the case of an emergency.  

Medicines / Sick Bay

Mortlake College has a high number of staff qualified in HLTAID0011 Provide first aid & HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation who are able to provide basic first aid for your child when required. 

When parents cannot be contacted during a serious emergency, the school takes the appropriate emergency action, this may involve an ambulance to the casualty section of the hospital. Parents are strongly advised to ensure that they have valid ambulance coverage.


Students who are unwell should not attend school


If a student becomes unwell during the school day they will be placed in the First Aid Room and monitored by first aid staff. Depending on the nature of their symptoms, staff may contact parents/carers or an emergency contact person to ask them to collect the student.  


Students presenting with gastro symptoms (or have vomited) are to be isolated and parents called to collect immediately. 


If parents are unable to come straight to the school, we ask that you organise someone to collect your child. We thank you for your co operation with this matter.


Emergency Contact Information

If your child is ill or injured at school we place them in the first aid room and monitor your child. 

Parents will be phoned if your child requires further medical attention. It is vitally important that the details on our data base are kept up to date at all times so that we can get in touch with you if the need arises. Please advise us of any changes to your residential/postal address, telephone numbers or your workplace details as soon as they occur.  We also ask that details of local emergency contact persons, other than parents such as grandparents/neighbours/friends, are made available to the school in case we cannot reach you in an emergency, where possible this should be someone who lives nearby. 


Sometimes it is necessary for medication to be administered at school. All medications must be brought to school in their original packaging showing the child's name with the doctor’s instructions. Dosages must be in writing or on the package. 

A ‘Medication Authority Form’ is to be completed with specific instructions to allow the first aid staff to administer any medicine. 

All medications are stored in the locked first aid cupboard.


Epipen and Asthma medications — Ventolin/Asmol and Epipens are the only exception to this as children are encouraged to carry this type of medication with them throughout the day. 


Roles and responsibilities of parents/guardians

  • Notify school of their child's allergies and provide appropriate medical information.
  • Ensure that the school is notified of changes to the child's medical condition or emergency contact details.
  • Provide an ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis completed by the child's doctor or nurse practitioner.
  • Provide an adrenaline autoinjector clearly labelled with child's name to the school. Some upper primary and high school students choose to carry their adrenaline autoinjector on their person, and this is documented in their Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan.
  • Provide any other medication indicated on the child's ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis and ensure that it is in date.
  • Promptly replace the child's adrenaline autoinjector if it is used or out-of-date.
  • Provide an updated ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis after a change in the health condition of the child, through annual (or as required) reviews by a medical practitioner or after an allergic reaction.
  • Assist school staff in planning and preparation for the student prior to school camps, field trips, excursions or special events (e.g. class parties, cultural days, fetes or sport days). Supply alternative food options for the student when needed (If applicable).
  • Educate the child about their allergies and how to minimise the risk of exposure (such as not sharing food if allergic to food, or taking precautions when outdoors if allergic to insects).

Sign In/Sign Out Students 

We ask that if you wish for your child to leave early  or are going to arrive late to school, that you notify the school.  

There are a couple of ways to do this, preferably through the Sentral Parent Portal or by phone call.

Please allow enough time to have your child at the General Office for collection.

Collecting students during the school day with no notice can be very difficult as children don't always hear the announcements during recess and lunch times when they are outside and the office staff will may need to go classroom to classroom during the day.


Mortlake College Child Safety

Mortlake College commits to a ‘zero tolerance of child abuse’. Appropriate arrangements are in place to regulate the conduct and decisions of school staff for the benefit of our students. We support, encourage and enable staff, parents, and children to understand, identify, discuss and report child safety matters; and support or assist children who disclose child abuse, or are otherwise linked to suspected child abuse. We commit to ensuring the safety of children with a disability, ATSI and CALD backgrounds, students with diverse sexual and/or gender identifications and children who are vulnerable.

Mortlake College’s Child Safety Policy sets out the school’s commitment and approach to creating and maintaining a child safe organisation where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and provides the policy framework for the school’s approach to the Child Safe Standards.

This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, and contractors in the school environment, whether or not they work in direct contact with children or young people. This policy also applies to school council members where indicated.

The policy will apply to the school environment. The policy covers both school hours and outside of school hours.

The Child Safe policy is located on the school website: Mortlake College Child Safe


Mortlake College Policies

Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to read our school’s collection notice, found on our website

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. 


All Mortlake College policies can be found on our school website: 


Student accident insurance, ambulance cover arrangements and private property brought to school

The Department does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. 

Parents/carers of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport as well as any other transport costs.