Principal's message

Jesus called the twelve disciples together and sent them out two by two.
“Don’t take anything with you except a staff. No bread, no money, no extra shirt. Wherever you are welcomed, stay in the same house until you leave that town. If people do not welcome or listen to you, leave that town and share the dust off your feet.”
So they went and preached, drove out many demons, and healed many sick.
Matt:6 7-13
Pope Francis, our leader of the Catholic Church throughout the world, wants our church to be for the poor and those in need.
He urges us to live a simple life and to spread God’s message of love and forgiveness.
To do this depends on only one thing, the power of God, complete trust in God, which takes faith.
Dear God,
We pray that we will be strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit.
May we smile and shine the light of your love to those we meet during our day.
Help us to think more about the needs of others and act to help others when we can.
Welcome to term 3,
We hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe holiday period. It was great to see all the children back at school and ready for learning.
Parent teacher Interviews
Next week we begin our parent teacher interviews, if you haven't already booked a time with your child's teacher please do so via PAM. This is a great opportunity for you to catch up with your child's teacher and share any information that may be helpful to know as well as discussing progress etc.
Events this term.
Term three is a great term for celebrations.
We have whole school celebrations for Saint Mary Mackillop's Feast Day, St. Bernard's Day, Book Week and the Athletics Carnival in addition to each unit area having special celebrations to enhance learning in the classrooms.
Further information regarding each event will be advertised in the next few weeks.
This term I will be preparing the children in Grade three whose parents wish them to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
This will begin midway through the term, a letter will be sent home to children in the next few weeks outlining the process for this.
Name tags on clothes.
Please check your child's winter jackets to ensure the name is clearly marked.
There are always lots of jumpers and jackets that arrive in lost property without names.
Thank you
Have a great week everyone
Patricia Boak