A short week to start a very important and busy term. I trust everyone was able to take some time to refresh and recover over the break or take the time to complete some projects. The second half of the year provides an opportunity for all students to consider their results from the first semester and make the commitment to maintain and enhance their results before the end of the year. 


Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended the College or spoke with staff via phone on Tuesday afternoon as part of our parent-teacher interviews. 


Again, a big thank you to Jennie Stringer and all the coaches who travelled and looked after our teams at Country Week at the end of last term. All our teams showed excellent sportsmanship, with special mention to the AFL team that won the C-grade shield. 


Thank you also to everyone who ensured that relevant and engaging educational activities were provided for the students who attended the college for the week.


This is the last full term for our Year 12 students and there are a variety of activities planned for them throughout the next 10 weeks. However, it is important to remember that there are still lots of assignments to be finished and exams to prepare for. It is important that we continue to work together to maintain the excellent outcomes that our students are achieving. 


Our School Development days were spent reviewing the wide variety of submissions we received as part of our 'Sowing the Seed of Innovation' project, which was collected over Term 2. We are now sifting through the results from the activities on the day and I will provide further details early next month.