Grade 6 News

Our newsletter is brought to you by the Grade 6 Public Relations leaders: Bella, Jack, and Charlie.
Important Reminders
- Please return camp forms and payment as soon as possible. We realise that you might not have all the information, but we can always adjust details later if necessary. Getting the forms early assists us with our planning and organising the event. Pre-payments can also be made via Qkr.
- Please return high school transition forms as soon as practicable.
- Well done to everyone who competed in sports. Please return washed uniforms as soon as possible.
Learning in Action
Charlie P 6H
This week we’ve been looking at poetry, boring to some, fascinating to others. 6H as a class has been loving it. We have been looking at inferring what poets mean when they use symbolism in their poems. We have also been transferring this into our writing for our own anthologies. Speaking of which we have been making a couple of poems such as; blackout poems, shape poems and free verse poetry. Most of our poems have been about emotions but are not totally restricted to emotions.
Preview for Learning: For the next fortnight, students will be continuing their focus on Poetry. They will be embarking on the process of writing narrative poems and collating their anthology to show off the beautiful emotive poetry they have been creating throughout the term. Additionally, students will be continuing their Grammar focus on complex sentences. They are working on identifying subordinating conjunctions, dependent clauses and independent clauses.
Bella G 6H
Aloha everyone, in maths we have been learning about angles. There are 4 main types of angles; Straight angles (180 degrees), Obtuse (90-180 degrees), Acute (>90 degrees), Reflex angles (180-360 degrees) and Full angles (360 degrees). We have also been doing algebra in maths. We have to find X by using inferring what we know about the angle.
Preview for Learning: Over the next fortnight, students will be learning about the following big ideas in relation to fractions:
- The smaller the denominator, the less parts in one whole and the bigger each part is
- Fractions can be compared using benchmarks - closeness to 0, 1/2, 1
- Equivalent fractions
- Converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions
- Fractions can be added and subtracted by thinking in units of the denominator
Additionally, students will be continuing their investigation into angles by creating art pieces.
Over the next fortnight, students will be engaging in wellbeing programs on a rotational basis. A selected group of students are participating in a program titled 'Girls Zone', which aims to achieve the following outcomes:
"This program is based on Friendship Saver, now called Social Stencil. Social Stencil is an evidence-based program for teachers and counsellors that offers young people practical social and communication skills to build peer relationship skills, and a culture of respect, understanding, care and collaboration. It helps young people to develop a shared language and shared concepts to support their friendships, manage conflict, and gain understanding of themselves and others. The program uses peer-to-peer learning, group work, games and supported discussions about our collective strengths and differences."
The rest of the Grade 6 cohort will be rotating between learning about Personal Strengths, Problem Solving and Gender and Identity.
In Weeks 3 and 4, students will be attending a number of sporting events including:
- Division Netball
- Division Basketball
- Division Teeball
- Division Football
- District Athletics
We wish good luck to all the students and teachers attending. We are proud that your persistence has led us to this point, and we can't wait to see our students showing the school values with pride at these events.