Grade 4 News

Important Reminders/Dates
Thursday, August 1st: 4FD Kinder Visit Consent & Payment Due
Friday, August 2nd: Special Circles Day (from 11.30am) - Olympics Edition
Wednesday, August 7th: Payment for Melbourne History Excursion Due
Thursday, August 8th: 4FD Kinder Visit
Tuesday, August 13th: STEM Celebration Day
Thursday, August 15th: Melbourne History Excursion
Thursday, August 22nd: Fathers Day Stall
Friday, September 13th: School Disco
Tuesday, September 17th: Celebration Morning
Each Tuesday in weeks 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 from 9am - 11am: Swimming Program
Wise Words: Camp Anxiety
For the past few years, LPS has been running a very successful program named “Calm Kids”. As a school, we want to ensure that anxiety about camps is addressed and doesn’t become a reason for students not to attend. We would like to support students and parents to make sure that every child has the best possible opportunity to attend camp and have a fantastic experience. The Calm Kids program will cover a number of key concepts such as:
- What is anxiety and why do some people have it?
- Everyone worries but it doesn’t need to stop us from doing things
- Our thoughts create feelings and our feelings impact our actions
- Identifying when you are overthinking
- Thinking Traps and how to manage them
- How to be more positive and why it is important
- Worry bullies
- Grounding technique (for when things start to spiral)
- The importance of relaxation, breathing, and mindfulness
- Sleep and disconnecting
The program will provide students with the opportunity to develop their own Action Plan for camp based on the skills taught and practised. Parents will be provided with a weekly email highlighting the content covered during the program as well as activities to complete at home to support the child’s learning. Please click the following link to register your interest in your child attending the program.
Weekly Timetable Term 3
Learning In Action
To start the term, the Grade 4 students have been focusing on Poetry and dived straight into their reading goals. As a class, they recapped what types of poems they remember learning in previous years, and have been learning about a new type called Limericks. Limericks are 5 line poems that are normally silly. In limericks lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyme, while lines 3 and 4 rhyme.
We have also looked at different literary devices that the authors and writers use when creating poems. Some of these devices include puns and neologisms.
Below are some examples of limericks that the Grade 4 students have written:
I saw a pack of Llama's An old man walked into a wall BOOM!
They were wearing pyjamas A sports car drove by VROOOM!
They started falling asleep There was a mouse in the house SQUEAK!
But one of them began to leap The scared cat went SHREEK!
What a crazy pack of Llama's An asteroid hit KABOOM!
- Elizabeth 4FD - Austin 4FD
There once was a bunny Sometimes you sleep in tents
His name was Sunny but there is a rather funny scent
He liked to eat fruit Sometimes I watch the news
His mum called him cute Other times I put on my shoes
And everyone said he is funny I also can climb through a vent
- Joelle 4D - Asha 4E
I had a lot of fun
Then wanted a bun
I went to eat
It was a piece of meat
Then I went for a run
- Zane 4E
Preview - In the coming weeks we will learn about the literary device alliteration, and also begin writing Free Verse Poems.
Word Work
In word work over the 2 weeks, we have learnt the rules around using the j, ge, dge sounds, along with the wr, kn, gn sounds. Students have practised using these sounds correctly in words.
For the first week of Term 3, students focussed on shapes, including finding the area of different shapes. We started by brainstorming all the facts we knew about shapes. We used the pattern block shapes to create new shapes, as well as finding smaller shapes within larger shapes.
Students traced their new shapes on grid paper and then used small unifix blocks to find the area of their new shape. They compared their shape to their peers by using the language of smaller than, larger than, equal to etc.
This week students have started on our new number topic of multiplication. We used the number sentence cards to model what a multiplication problem looks like.
We explored the patterns in different times tables and also looked at the connections between them e.g. “When we multiply by 5, what numbers do our answers end in?” “If I know my 5s times tables then I know my 10s times tables by doubling.”
Preview - Next fortnight in Maths we will look at how we can split larger numbers into place value or factors, to make multiplying simpler.
This week in RRRR’s, the 4’s started their unit on ‘Help Seeking,’ focusing on positive relationships. Through role play and mime scenarios, students developed their cooperation and collaborative skills, whilst articulating what makes a positive relationship and how we can effectively communicate.
Preview - Students will develop strategies and communication skills to assist them when seeking help.
To start our history unit, the Grade 4’s have looked closely into the Indigenous people and their culture. Students listened to the story ‘The Lost Girl,’ and discussed their connection to the land and ‘Mother.’ We then explored connections to Country, looking at natural elements and what they provide us. For instance, the sun gives us warmth and the earth gives us soil to grow food. The 4’s enjoyed getting arty and showing their connection to Country through painting.
Preview - Over the next fortnight we will be looking at life in England in the 1700’s before Australia was colonised.