Grade 2 News

For the whole of term 3 students will be learning about different types of poems, with the opportunity to not only read poems but write and create their very own anthology.
The first type of poem students looked at was odes, exploring the purpose of them and reading them with a partner using expression. This week we learnt about diamante poems and students described the structure and identified the different parts, such as nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Our new poem focus for the week is a free verse poem.
This fortnight students started their poetry anthology and wrote their own ode and diamante poems. Students learnt about possessive adjectives, locating and applying them in sentences. We looked at how some authors use alliteration and students wrote their own sentences using alliteration.
Students will edit their diamante poems and learn about possessive pronouns.
The next few weeks our number focus is multiplication. Students were shown different strategies they can use to solve multiplication problems such as making equal groups, using repeated addition and creating arrays. All students were very excited to receive their own analogue clock to help them learn how to tell the time. This fortnight we have focused on developing their understanding of telling time to the hour, half past, quarter past and quarter to.
Next week is our final week of multiplication and next we are moving onto division.
This term our Inquiry topic is 'How has technology changed over time and how has this affected people'. This fortnight we explored Indigenous Australian history and Preindustrial revolution/ Early settlement and what toys, communication and transport were used.
Lex Fisher, Taryn Bailey, Catia Anson, Rachel Manning and Kelly Reynolds.
Grade 2 Teachers