Specialist Classes
The science room is a buzz this term as students explore biological science, the study of living things.
Prep students are getting a good understanding of what a living thing is and what they need to survive. Last week we planted radishes and cucumbers and will monitor these over the coming weeks.
Grade 1 students are exploring the features of animals and why they have these features. Students learnt about how fish breathe and how turtles can stay under the water for so long! Students are now learning about our iconic land animal, the kangaroo, and are building a book about it.
Grade 2’s are learning about how all living things have life cycles. We explored phases of humans, and are getting to know our class insects. We will monitor and watch them grow and change over the term.
Grade 3 students are at the start of their journey of ‘taxonomy’ and will learn how to categorise animals by understanding their features.
Grade 4’s are delving into plants and their life cycles. Students identified Eucalyptus trees in the school yard and collected seeds which they will
Enviro Club News
This week we harvested and sold some of our beautiful organic veggies grown by the Enviro Club.
Staff happily snapped them up and have reported that they tasted amazing!
We will harvest more vegetables this week and use the funds raised to replant the garden beds with a new range of delicious herbs and vegetables.
Well done Enviro Club members. All your hard work is paying off.
Wellbeing Newsletter Week 4 Term 3 2024
ISS Fixture - ENPS Bye