Year 4 - Newsletter

Dear Parents,


We’ve had a fun week in year 4 this week, with our Pajamarama Day proving to be a big hit amongst students - and teachers!


Prime Minister's Spelling Bee

We are excited to be part of the Prime Minister's Spelling Bee this year and are encouraging Year 4s to get involved. If your child would like to participate please complete the digital consent form. This link is specific to Yr 4 ENPS so please don't share with other families.  More information on the  Spelling Bee can be found here:


What's happened in year 4 this week?


English: This week in writing the students used their interview skills to question an eyewitness about an incident that occurred in our classroom. Ask your child to explain what happened and by whom. The students have chosen an Olympic topic that they will create, film and present a news report on. 


Maths – This week in maths we have had a continued focus on assisting students to develop efficient mental and written strategies for solving problems involving multiplication and division. We have also reintroduced students to the division algorithm. Our weekly measurement rotations where they will be using tools and strategies to investigate, compare and convert measurements of length, mass, volume and capacity continued.


Inquiry - This week in our Inquiry lessons we identified and described how climate and soil conditions affect plant and animal production and the availability of food. We learnt about Aboriginal seasons relating to climate and food production, whilst also investigating food preparation techniques used in modern and traditional Australian and Aboriginal societies.


Inquiry Resource request:

We are asking that students begin collecting and keeping any shoe size cardboard boxes or large pieces of cardboard. We will be using this for our upcoming Design and Technology lessons where we will be designing and constructing nesting and resting homes for our local wildlife. Could they please stay at home until week 7 (Monday 28th August).


Wellbeing - This week the students focused on making apologies and what the impact of actions can have on others.


Homework - In term 3, homework will again consist of:

  • Minimum 4 nights reading with at least 80 minutes per week recorded in school diary (Book title, pages read, minutes read).
  • Diary is to be brought to school each FRIDAY signed by parents.
  • Mathletics tasks will be set weekly to support topics in the classroom.


Things to Remember:

  • Thursday 15th August - Year ⅚ School Production - Peter Pan
  • Tuesday 29th August - Book Day
  • Monday 26th August - Father’s Day Stall
  • Thursday 5th September - Year 4 Edendale Farm Excursion (event on Compass NOW)
  • Wednesday 11th September - ENPS Footy Day celebration
  • Thursday 12th September - Division Athletics
  • Friday 20th September - Last day of term 3. Early finish (2.30pm).