Year3 - Newsletter
Dear Parents
What a fun couple of week’s it’s been! It was all very exciting coming to school in our Pj’s on Tuesday - we have never seen so many ‘Oodies’ and ‘Uggs’ in one place at a single time!!!
This week in:
As previously mentioned, our genre focus this term is Narratives. We continue to revise the structure of a narrative and have explored writing a setting using 3 sentences, as well as generating problems for characters to create ‘conflict’ in narrative text.
In literacy we have explored some new prefixes - mis, mal meaning bad/badly and wrong/wrongly. We have discussed how they change the meaning of base and root words. We have continued our revision of the syllable types closed, open, c+le and magic e and also introduced ‘vowel team’ syllables. This understanding of syllable types aims at developing students ability to spell unfamiliar words moving forward and help the ‘have’a’go’ attitude to take safe risks when spelling.
Multiplication continues as we practise our times tables and engage in games and pursuits designed to develop quick recall of multiplication facts. We have created flash cards and chatterboxes to take home.
We highly encourage your child to continue to practise their instant recall of our multiplication facts. By the end of year 3, we aim to build their confidence in their 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s & 10’s.
Students have been busy working in groups to research and present information on an early world explorer. At this stage, each student has researched two of our Early Explorers. As a class, we have explored the following explorers; Dirk Hartog, Willem Janzsoon, Willam Dampier, Zheng He, Marco Polo & Ibn Battuta.
Later this term students will be utilising their ICT skills and knowledge of an Early Explorers life and journey to create a Stop Motion video.
Friendology sessions with Mrs Tucker have continued on this term, however we are sadly nearing the end! It has been amazing having Mrs Tucker join our classes each week, and we have been proud to see the students utilising the Friendology skills.
We will spend the final couple of weeks exploring friendship skills and healthy friendships. Following this, we will continue with our Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships program. This will see us explore ‘Help Seeking’, ‘Gender Identity’ and ‘Positive Gender Relations’.
Important Information
We are asking for a minimum of 80 minutes of reading a week at home that needs to be logged into their diaries each night.
We kindly ask that you email your class teacher, or send a note, if your child is unable to complete their weekly reading by Friday morning.
We will also be setting 3 Tasks on Mathletics for the students to complete throughout the week. These will become available Friday afternoons.
We encourage you to use the below link to practice your child's instant recall of multiplication facts. This is also available via our Google Classroom page.
Information regarding the Stop Motion task has been posted to Google Classroom and shared with your child in class. We have spent time learning about the explorers and chosen our groups.
Please note; we are now asking students to begin actively thinking about and planning designing/building their props. Their share of the project - props, characters or backgrounds - needs to be ready and brought in at the beginning of Week 8 for filming.
Cold & Flu Season
With the cold and flu season upon us, please be mindful of other children and if your child is unwell please provide them with a rest period at home.
iPads & Wireless Headphones
Please ensure that iPad’s and wireless headphones (iPad Pro specifically) are fully charged and packed in bags each morning.
Furthermore, we ask that you please keep your child’s iPad fully updated, checking regularly for software and application updates.
What’s coming up:
- Book Day Parade : Tuesday the 20th of August
- Father Day Stall : Monday the 26th of August
- Footy Day: Wednesday 11th of September
Student of the Week:
Look out for the newsletter from your classroom teacher for our Student of the Week shoutout!
Have a great weekend,
The Level Three Team.