Year 1 - Newsletter
Year 1 - Term 3, week 3 and 4
It’s been a big fortnight in Year 1. From applying real life contexts in our maths, to learning about different sports and some countries around the world, the Olympic Games has been an engaging vehicle for our learning this past fortnight.
In other news, it was great to see our students push through the icy morning to enjoy our annual school Walkathon, and then to see so many come dressed in pyjamas for Pyjama Day yesterday, raising money for The Smith Family charity.
LLLL: Focus codes: ‘Brown cow - ow’ & ‘Ouch - ou’.
‘Oink oink - oi’ and ‘Foys Toys - oy’.
READING: Reading decodable texts with expression and fluency that contain our focus codes above.
WRITING: We have continued to explore a simple narrative text structure by looking at different settings and types of characters that could be included in a story.
MATHS: Skip counting by 10s, 5s and 2s beyond 120. Data representation - Olympic medal count.
INQUIRY: The Olympic Games has been our focus this past fortnight and now we are exploring, our city, Melbourne - How has it changed?
WELLBEING: How my behaviour can affect myself and others.
- Wednesday 20/8 - Book Day Parade – Dress up as your favourite storybook character.
- Monday 26/8 – Fathers’ Day Stall - see Compass for details.
- From September 2nd - Special Places in Victoria Presentation is due.
Show and Tell – please check the schedule for your child’s day to share their favourite picture story book.