ENPS School News 

Introducing David Foley and Tandy Johnson

Principal News - Term 3 Week 4

Wow! Our RAP Leaders have grown to a team of 10. We all visited the ENAP seasons sign to change the grub together this morning. New leaders will be presented with their badges at assembly in Week 5!


Unwell children attending school

We are currently experiencing a variety of contagious illness throughout the school, eg, gastroenteritis and influenza. Term 3 has seen an extraordinary number of students and teaching staff away ill and this situation is not being helped as children are being sent back to school before they are well enough. For the well-being of all students and staff please do not send your child back to school until you are sure they are healthy enough to return. Thank you for your cooperation.



Upcoming Dates /Events  to Remember 

 August 2024Permission or Payment Due
9thSecond Hand Uniform Sale 
15th Yr 5/6 Production:Peter Pan                 
20thBook Parade 
21stKinder Storytime 
26th Father's Day Stall 
 September 2024Permission or Payment Due
3rd       Whole school photo   
5th Year 4 Edendale Farm Excursion 2024                   Due 29th August 
8th Term 3 Working Bee 
10thYear 5 Sovereign Hill ExcursionDue 5th September
11th Footy Day 
12th Divsion AthleticsDue 11th September
12thRUOK Day 
18thPrep Transition No1  
20thTerm 3 Final Assembly : Dismissal 2:30  

Compass News:

Reminder Second Hand Uniform Sale Friday August 9th
Invitation to participate in the 2024 Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey
Term 3 Working Bee - Sunday 8th September
Year 5 and 6 Peter Pan Production

Student of the Week - Term 3 Week 3

ClassChild NameReason 
Prep AIneke For showing the school value of achievement. Inkene, you have been working so hard and I have been so impressed with the sentences you’re writing. Amazing work!
Prep BEverley

For showing the school value of Achievement. Everly, you have worked really hard this term by extending your writing and working hard to meet your writing goals. 


Prep C



For showing the school value of Achievement. Kian we have been so proud of the effort you have been putting in to slow down and take your time with your work. Keep it up, susperstar!



For showing the school value of Achievement. Ashton you always ask interesting questions and offer ideas related to the topic in class discussions. Congratulations Ashton we love having you in 1A!



For showing all the school values of CARE every day. Adam always tries his hardest to be the best learner and most respectful person he can be. 


1CAll of 1CCongratulations 1C, you have done an excellent job welcoming our new student Nila into our classroom. I love how kind you all have been.

For showing the school value of Empathy. Lenny often looks out for his classmates and is the first to lend a hand when someone in his class needs support.


2BSam J

For showing the school value of Achievement. Sam you have taken on your new Maths assignment enthusiastically.



For showing the school value of Achievement, James I have loved reading your Autobiography and you have been working super hard during our multiplication unit. Well Done



For showing the school values of Cooperation & Achievement. Ethan, I've loved how cooperative you’ve been in our group tasks, contributing to achieving your groups’ goal. 


3BAll of 3B

For showing the school value of cooperation at our school Walkathon! 3B I was so impressed with the way you moved along the path, chanted our chant and created the banner.



For showing all the school values. Olivia, you are a hard worker who comes to class ready to learn. You show respect and kindness to all your teachers and members of our class. Great work!


4AImogen Imogen has demonstrated all the school values of CARE.  She is a kind and considerate class member who is always ready to learn and works diligently to complete all tasks. You’re a star Imogen.
4BWilsonFor showing the school value of all of the values. Wilson you are always ready to learn and the first person to offer help! You are a valuable member of 4B, keep up the great work super star!

For showing the school value of CARE. Maddie, it has been lovely to see you taking a positive approach to school and trying your best. Great Work.


5AOliverFor showing all the school’s CARE values. Ollie, you continually demonstrate your respect for others and your persistent work ethic. Well done!
5BAll of 5B

For showing the school value of Cooperation while practising our new routines. You have all been trying your best to enter and exit the room as directed and transition quietly and calmly. Well done! 


5CTemperanceFor showing the school value of respect and achievement. Temperance, is always willing to help around the room and keeps herself focused and on task. Congratulations!
5DAll of 5DFor showing the school value of Cooperation during the Walkathon by creating an amazing banner, catchy chant and working together enthusiastically. Congratulations 5D!





For showing the school values of Respect and Empathy. Maya you bring so much kindness to 6A!


For showing the school values of Achievement. Congratulations Pema on persisting through challenges! 


For showing the school value of Achievement. Charlie has shown great focus and effort in all areas this week, congratulations on being a 6B superstar!



For showing the school value of Achievement. Grace is showing great progress in her skills and confidence in BODMAS 


PERFORMING ARTSPrep BFor showing the school value of Achieving their best!

For showing the school value of Achievement!

Well done 2B! You did a great job with all your artwork this week!



For showing the school values of cooperation and achievement by working beautifully toether



For showing the school value of respect by listening to each other and looking after the Library beautifully.



For showing the school value of ACHIEVEMENT:; You worked really hard during your practical investigation. Well done!






ENPS PFA - Everyone is welcome!

NEXT PFA MEETING - Meetings, 7pm at ENPS - put them in your diary

  • Term 3  Wednesday 4th Sep
  • Term 4  Wednesday 16th Oct
  • Term 4  Tues 19th Nov 7


We have many upcoming events being organised and supported by the PFA in the coming months. All of this good work can only happen with the support of our community, so please put up your hand if you can help in any way. We have working groups set up and new members are welcome. If you would like to help or volunteer time for particular events, please let us know via email elthamnorthprimarypfa@gmail.com  or you can join a WhatsApp working group (see links below). 


Special Footy Lunch, Wed 11th Sep

Disco, Fri 25th October

  • WhatsApp working group - https://chat.whatsapp.com/CG9xaIwbk5h40evHsVm7z6
  • To be run in the hall during the day, for each year level at a time. Picture lights, music and a whole lot of cute dancing. 
  • We a looking for a DJ to volunteer time and also possibly equipment. Please drop us a line if you have any leads on this.
  • A small crew of volunteers will also be needed to support the event on the day. 

Graduation - Year 6 

  • ENPS are looking for 8 x Grade 5 parent volunteers this year to help serve supper at the Grade 6 graduation event. 
  • The aim is to make this a yearly tradition.

Working Bees -Sunday 8th September

Colour Run - Date TBC


Community Activities