Whole School Activities

Let's Hang It 2024
Lets Hang it 2024 had it's official opening last Friday night at New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM).
Entries from over 500 students representing 49 different schools were received, and from these 60 finalists were selected to have their works exhibited.
Congratulations to Anna Kirkaldy, who had her work selected for exhibition as a finalist. A wonderful effort and it was great to see Anna's artwork on display at NERAM along with all of the other works.
100 Days of Learning
Thank you to all of our lovely students who celebrated their first 100 days of school (Kindergarten) or for being 100 days wiser!! It was lovely to see everyone dressed up in their creative costumes.
Lower Division
STEM Activities
Lower Division had a wonderful STEM lesson where we learned about electricity and circuits. We then used this knowledge to understand how morse code works and was used to communicate. Lower Division then sent some messages to each other and had a great time decoding them
Visual Arts
Lower Division commenced their Visual Arts lessons for this semester last Friday with Ms C. The class enjoyed making their artworks of butterfly wings with tremendous results achieved.
Stage 2 Teaching and Learning
Stage 2 have been completing a maths unit on the number system, developing the big idea that the number system extends infinitely to very large and very small numbers. Students were given a plate with counters and needed to construct a place value chart whilst interpreting a colour key to distinguish which colour counters went in each place. Students needed to read, write and represent their numbers using numerals, words, mab 10 blocks and expanded notation.
Stage 3 Teaching and Learning
Stage 3 students have focused on the same "big idea" as Stage 2 this fortnight, extending their learning through exploration of positive and negative integers, the correct language to use when reading negative numbers and decimal numbers into and beyond the thousandths. It's been exciting to see how creative students get with their number knowledge and how to apply this when solving tricky word problems.