Year 4 Curriculum Newsletter

Grade 4 Curriculum Newsletter
In Term 2, our Grade 4 students will continue to delve into the world of reading, focusing on various aspects to enhance their comprehension and fluency skills. They will sharpen their reading skills by rereading for meaning, self-questioning, pausing to think, self-correction, and reviewing. They will also learn to utilise their knowledge of the genre to enhance comprehension. Grade 4 learners will continue to expand their vocabulary with Tier 2 and Tier 3 words, including technical or content-specific terms. Moreover, they will explore both fiction and non-fiction genres, searching for information in non-fiction texts, including photos, labels, captions, diagrams, and maps.
Grade 4 students will focus on writing to explain and writing to instruct or provide procedures. This includes giving directions and explaining processes, such as in a scientific explanation report. In writing sessions, students will learn how to use words to show differences, like 'but' and 'however'. They'll also get creative with making sentences more interesting by using groups of nouns, precise words, and phrases that describe actions or locations. They will work with simple, compound, and complex sentences, integrating adverbial phrases, connectives for contrast, noun groups/phrases, precise nouns, and precise verbs.
In mathematics, our Grade 4 students will dive into shapes, objects, and location. They will collect data and display this in tables, columns, or pictures. Students will continue to develop additive thinking skills, focusing on adding and subtracting strategies, including money. Students will also explore length using scaled instruments.
Under the theme "Cosmic Connections: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Sun, Earth, and Moon!", students will investigate the Earth's relationship with the Sun and how the Sun, Earth, and Moon interact. They will explore the regular changes caused by the Earth's rotation on its axis, such as night and day and the pattern of the seasons.
In the project titled "Materials, Forces, and Marble Mayhem!", students will explore how the forces and properties of materials affect the behaviors of a product or system. They will design and create a marble run with a sequence of steps.
We look forward to an exciting and enriching Term 2 for our Grade 4 students as they delve deeper into these engaging curriculum areas.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Grade 4 team
This term in Japanese, the Grade 4 students are developing their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through the Unit ‘I went to the Zoo’. Students will learn to identify, say and write the Japanese names of a variety of Zoo animals. They will build their speaking and listening skills through learning to answer the question “What did you see?” with “I saw a __.”
Students will continue to have opportunities to revise the first alphabet Hiragana. They will also learn about cultural events in Japan such as Ohanami and Children’s Day.
Visual Arts
This term students in Year 4 will explore modelling, using materials to create 3-dimensional food sculptures. They will be inspired by contemporary Australian artists as they view their ‘bird’ artworks. Students will discuss the materials and techniques artists use to make their artworks and they will apply these ideas and styles when creating their own art. They will reflect on the process taken to make their art as well as the completed product. Students will be working along with a community artist as they create their own original canvas art for our upcoming Art Show. They will work towards being courageous artists who give new techniques a go and they will work safely in the art room. I look forward to exciting times this term in the Visual Arts room.
Performing Arts
In Term Two in Performing Arts, Grade Four students will build on their previous knowledge from last year when they began to read more complex sheet music. Students will be challenged with reading more complex songs and will begin to play these songs on the keyboard. They will develop their physical technique and built confidence when they share their keyboard music with their peers to both give and receive feedback.
Physical Education
In Grade 4 PE classes, students continue to develop their fundamental movement skills while exploring more challenging games and sports. They refine their techniques and strategies, focusing on fair play and teamwork. Students continued to refine their skills in different Athletic events whilst having the opportunity to compete in these at Athletics Day. Social skills are emphasised through cooperative play and team sports, fostering empathy and leadership abilities.