Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter

Dear Families,
Welcome to Term 2! We're excited to share with you the enriching learning experiences planned for your children in Grade 1. This term, we will be exploring fascinating topics across various subjects, fostering both academic growth and social-emotional development.
Reading: Information Texts - Non-Fiction Texts (Linked with Inquiry)
In Term 2, our focus in reading will be on Information Texts and Non-Fiction Texts. Your child will engage in comprehension strategies aimed at enhancing their understanding of these texts. Here's what they will be learning:
- Activating Prior Knowledge & Predicting: Students will learn to connect what they already know to the text and make predictions about what they will read.
- Determining Importance: They will identify key information within the text, understanding what is most important.
- Making Connections (Text-to-Self): Students will relate the text to their own experiences, fostering deeper comprehension.
- Visualising: Through descriptive language, students will create mental images to aid comprehension.
- Inferring: They will draw conclusions based on the text and their prior knowledge.
Writing: Informative Texts (Linked with Inquiry)
Students will explore writing informative texts, closely linked with our inquiry topic of Water. They will learn about text structure and features of Non-Fiction texts. Additionally, they will focus on punctuation, handwriting and writing structure.
Our mathematics curriculum in Term 2 will cover a range of topics including addition, subtraction, geometry, and statistics. Students will also explore probability, data, and graphing, strengthening their foundational math skills through hands-on activities and problem-solving tasks.
We will integrate the Resilience Project curriculum and RRRR (Resilience, Rights, and Respectful Relationships) into our wellbeing program. These initiatives will nurture students' social-emotional skills, promoting resilience, empathy, and positive relationships.
We encourage you to engage with your child about their learning journey, ask questions, and extend their learning experiences beyond the classroom. We welcome parent volunteers – especially to listen to our Grade 1’s reading – so please let us know if you can help out!
Many thanks,
Year 1/2 Team
Leah, Dannie and Jody
This term in Japanese, the Grade 1 students are applying their prior knowledge of numbers to various activities through the Unit “When is your Birthday?”. They will participate in games and sing songs to learn numbers and say the months of the year. The students will complete a booklet to encourage their reading and writing of Japanese characters. They will also build their speaking and listening skills through making sentences stating their age and when their birthday is.
Students will also learn about cultural events in Japan such as Ohanami and Children’s Day
Visual Arts
This term students in Year 1 will continue to explore new materials and techniques to create works of art. They will use a range of materials such as acrylic and watercolour paint, markers, yarn and PVA glue as well as paper and cardboard. They will study the work of famous artists as they follow their ideas and styles when creating their own art. Students will learn more about colour, using the colour wheel to make skilful choices about complimentary colours. Students will be working along with a community artist as they create their own original canvas art for our upcoming Art Show. They will work towards being courageous artists who give new techniques a go and they will work safely in the art room. I look forward to exciting times this term in the Visual Arts room.
Performing Arts
In Term Two in Performing Arts, Grade One students will learn how to follow a basic musical pattern using percussion instruments - learning about crotchets and quaver notes, as well as the importance of rests of silence in music. They will create their own musical patterns to play and share with their peers and have a go at playing the role of ‘conductor’ for their group.
Physical Education
In Grade 1 PE classes, students continue to build on their fundamental movement skills through fun and interactive activities. They engage in more structured games and sports, learning basic rules and teamwork. Students also explore concepts like spatial awareness and develop social skills through cooperative play.