Principal's Message

Ms Reynolds

Come and Play!

That's our theme for term 2! 


We have scheduled in a number of opportunities for family members to come into classrooms and explore the learning we are doing through play - whether it's through maths games, paint and sip, social skills, reading games or expos. We know that learning is stronger through play and we want to invite families in to experience that with us.


The schedule is:

Wed 15/5 9amYears 3-6 Come and Play with Numbers!
Friday 17/5 2pmStage 1 Come and Play as we Paint and Sip!
Tuesday 28/5 2:30pmKindy - Come and Play to Learn!
Wed 12/6 9amYears 3-6 Come and Play with Friendology!
Thurs 13/6 2:45pmKindy - Come and Play: Drop Everything And Read!
Fri 21/6 2pmStage 1 Come and Play!

Acknowledging ANZAC Day

Our term started with an ANZAC service, run by our student leaders and Mrs Melhem. We also had a special guest, Ms Alice O'Connor, from the Cumberland RSL sub-branch. Ms O'Connor spoke with students about the ANZAC story and she presented the Frank Ashton BEM ANZAC Memorial Award.

Lavinia Havea, winner of the Frank Ashton Award
Lavinia Havea, winner of the Frank Ashton Award

Learning Conversations

Learning Conversations are happening for Years 1-6 this term. These 3-way conversations are part of our GEPS-Connects strategy. This is because we believe that all members of our school community are learners - and we learn best together! 


We strongly value taking the time to sit down with parents and students to discuss learning. That's why we put aside half and hour to have a meaningful conversation around progress, achievement, supports and learner behaviours. Our staff will also provide strategies for you to support at home. 

Many students have prepared hard for these Conversations - they'll want to show you evidence of their learning. We are aiming for 100% Parent attendance - so, please look out for the note about when you child's Conversations are happening.

Calling all Dari/Persian speakers!

Next week we are having a special meeting for families who speak Dari.

Come along to meet other parents, meet the Principal and hear from Cumberland Council about their support.

Happy Mothers Day!

I hope all the mothers, aunts, grandma's and carers have a lovely day on Sunday. Thank you to our P&C for organising a Mothers Day stall with lots of great gifts for mum!