Student Achievements 

Student Awards

Here at Surfside we have four very important School Values, they are:


Respect, Honesty, Teamwork and Achievement


Congratulations to the following students, who have recently been presented with a Student Award for their recognition and demonstration of one or more of our School Values from our recent assembly: 


AnnabelleFlemmingF1For putting in a great effort into each learning task you complete. You are a role model to your peers, Annabelle! Keep up the amazing work!
SamWrightF1For your hard work and persistence in Literacy. It is wonderful to see you read and write CVC words independently. Keep up the fantastic work!
IndigoBraysherF2For working hard to learn your sounds and using these to read CVC words. Keep up the effort Indigo!
XaviHeinenF2For trying your best in everything you do and being a kind, respectful member of our class. Awesome effort Xavi!
RyderHarrisF5For attempting all your work with a big smile and positive attitude. Keep up the great work, Ryder!
GeorgiaBateF5For showing great achievement in your writing. It has been great to see you have a go at spelling new words. Keep up the great work Georgia!
CharlieCarlsonF6for showing great achievement in Mathematics. It is wonderful to see you partitioning numbers and writing addition equations to match!
RafaelSantiliF6for showing great improvement in your writing. It was wonderful to see you spelling bigger words, by breaking them apart into syllables and spelling each syllable at a time. Keep up the great work, Raf!
ZoeLundbergJ9For showing great achievement in your reading and writing this term. It has been wonderful to watch you challenge yourself in all areas of your learning. You're awesome, Zoe!!
SidneyKirschJ9For always giving your best effort in the classroom and accepting a challenge in your learning! Keep up the great work Sidney, you're amazing!!
AudreyRobinsonJ10For showing great resilience in starting your day so well. Great work Audrey.
AlbieAndersonJ10For displaying kindness towards his friends and peers. Keep up the great work.
LucasRichardsonJ11For always giving your best efforts to your reading and writing tasks. You are making steady progress. Keep up the great work, Lucas!
PiperRoachJ11For always giving your best and for being a friendly and respectful member of our class. Keep up the great work, Piper!
RemiChiezyJ3For being a keen and interested learner who contributes interesting and thoughtful ideas to class discussions. Keep it up Remi, you are a great role model!
PennyOzingerJ3For always giving your best effort in the classroom and accepting a challenge in your learning, particularly in Maths at the moment! Keep up the great work Penny, you're amazing!
MegBrooksJ8For always trying your best in class and being a great role model to the rest of J8. You do a fantastic job of showing the school values. Well done, Meg!
FlynAinleyJ8For being so respectful and showing great leadership during the ANZAC day assembly. It was fantastic to see you being such a good role model ,Flyn, well done!
BonnieCrippsM21For always trying your personal best in all areas of learning.
JacksonO'TooleM21For showing improvement in writing.
LeoKarpaM22For trying your best.
MontyJacquesM23For consistently trying your best in all learning, taking on challenges and showing our school value of respect on the floor. Keep up your incredible work, Monty!
AmarliGoodM23For consistently showing all of our school values, being extremely kind and respectful to all students. Keep being awesome, Amarli!
MayaSaundersM24For putting great effort into understanding vertical addition and subtraction. Keep up the awesome work!
DaisyHodgsonM24For making a brave transition back to school after your breaking your arm. It's so good to have you back!
HudsonMacnishM18For approaching each day with a positive and friendly attitude. You are such a role model to others. Well done, Hudson!
AriaIbbetsonM18For being a kind and caring member of M18. Thank you for being a wonderful role model for others Aria.
JediCarrollM19For working hard to focus his attention and complete his learning to the best of his ability. Keep it up Jedi!
LeoRodgersM19For working hard to complete his work during week 3. Keep up the great effort Leo!
AlyssaBlakeM19For consistently demonstrating our school values and being a kind and inclusive friend to everyone. Thank you, Alyssa!
RivaCumminsM20For demonstrating great persistence when faced with challenges in STEM boat building and building on his growth mindset. You're a star Riva!
TillyHickeyM20For always being a role model to her peers and consistently displaying a great attitude towards learning and her love of sports. Well done, Tilly!
CashLangleyS15For trying your best in your work this week and asking questions to find more meaning. Keep it up!
EmmaPopeS15,For showing pride in all the amazing things you achieve! Amazing work Emma!
BenjiWalker-DonnellyS16For always being a respectful listener in class and contributing to our discussions with enthusiasm. Thanks for all you contribute, Benji!
LolaAdamS16For always bringing your 'can do' attitude to school. It's so wonderful to see you give your best to the tasks you are given. Well done, Lola!
AshtonFreebairnS17For always showing a growth mindset, positive attitude to all things Surfside and kindness in the yard. Keep it up Ashton!
SammiRableS17For consistently showing the school values in all that you do at Surfside PS. Keep it up Sammi!
AxlPascoS17For outstanding achievements in Maths! Great job Axl!
HudsonO'TooleS12For taking on the challenges in maths and extending yourself to learn new concepts. Keep up your amazing attitude Hudson and you will continue to see the results.
FynnRodgersS12For your outstanding knowledge and attitude towards Kitchen. Fynn you are always happy to share your learning and support others in the kitchen every session.
OscarFumbergerS13For always sharing your insightful ideas during discussions. Thank you, Oscar!
MikaylaParkerS13For using expressive language to describe the setting during writing. Great choice of words Mikayla!
FinlayNicholsonS14For being an active listener and for being focused and committed to your learning. Well done, Finlay!
LeilaChapmanS14For being a focused and committed learner and for sharing your thinking with the class. Well done, Leila!